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My (26F) mother (58F) is taking advantage of renting me an apartment she owns with my step-dad (M69).

Back in March, my boyfriend (26M) of 3.5 years and I broke up. This was amicable, and a choice we came to together, but none the less it has been a difficult transition, especially since we had been living together. I have temporarily moved in with my mom and step-dad. Immediately after moving in, I began looking for a one bedroom or studio apartment. They were running around $900/mo, a stretch for me, but it would be doable. These weren't nice, fancy apartments, but they were a place to live and call my own.

Cue my mother. She and my step-dad inherited a two-family home when his mother recently passed, and have been doing renovations on both units. They had already secured a tenant for the first floor, and offered me the second floor two-bedroom unit at $600/mo, what I was previously paying in rent when my ex and I lived together. I wholeheartedly accepted their generous offer and was overjoyed at the prospect of having my own place with a bit more space and a dedicated room for an office since I have been, and may be permanently, working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

In April, my mom came to me and said that they would need me to have a roommate ready to go when I moved in as they needed to rent the unit at a $1200/mo minimum. I counter-offered $900/mo with the understanding I would not have a roommate, which she accepted with the caveat that I would need to get a roommate after living there for 6 months. This is so they could raise the rent to the $1200 they're seeking, which is still below market value (estimated $1500-$1800/mo). I was ok with this, as I think after living alone for a bit I would like to have someone else around but want that buffer to experience living alone for the first time in my life.

Things have been moving along with the renovation, and it looks like I'll be able to move in either the last week of June or first week of July. But today I got this text, "We'd like it if you didn't get a roommate and we could stay here for 3 summer months". Context here: Property 1 where we all live currently is a duplex in a suburb outside of a small city in New England, Property 2 is the two family home in that small city, and Property 3 is their retirement home in Florida, purchased 10 years ago and has been used as a rental property/family vacation home since. When Property 2's renovations are complete, Property 1 is going to be sold, and Property 3 is going to become my parent's main residence. They are not fans of the Floridian summer heat and are planning to return to New England for the summers. #snowbirds

At this point I'm already feeling jerked around by the whole process - being told one price, then having it raised. Being told I need to get a roommate, and now being told not to get a roommate. I responded saying that I offered $900/mo knowing I would have someone move in with me eventually, and that it is a doable stretch, but if they're going to keep me from renting the second bedroom so they can use it, I would expect a break on the rent.

She and my stepdad agreed to lower the rent to $600/mo while they're visiting, but also want to stay with me for four months, rather than three. Fine. I agreed because they're family, I love them, and there isn't really anywhere else for them to stay that wouldn't cost them an arm and a leg for the summer. Plus, it means I have no roommate and the place to myself for the majority of the year. Seems like a win-win.

The straw that broke my back was the final text I received from her this afternoon stating that they want to empty Property 1 and move in with me while that property is on the market. I was planning on using the second bedroom as an office starting when I move in and moving my setup to the living room when they come visit, if I am still working from home next June when their first visit would occur. Having my setup in the living room now isn't the biggest deal, but it is enough of an irritation on top of everything else that's happened that it makes me just want to give them a hard no and draw a line here.

I feel like this whole situation has been pushing boundaries and jerking me around, and this is just the breaking point. No 26 year old wants to be living with their parents for extended periods of time and I just feel like she and my stepdad are taking advantage of me and the situation at this point, and I don't know how to tell them I need my space and don't think it's necessary for them to live with me while attempting to sell Property 1. This is where I need advice. Am I being the jerk for wanting to say no? If I'm not being a jerk, how can I tell them that they need to suck it up and live at Property 1 during the sales process? After writing this all out, I feel like I might be coming across as an entitled brat, and that I should just "do the right thing" and let them stay with me. Please tell me if I'm right or wrong with this.

TL;DR: I am renting an apartment from my mom and stepdad that is currently being renovated. They have changed their minds multiple times on the rental agreement regarding price, and now want to use my second bedroom as a "home base" for themselves when they are home visiting from their retirement property. In addition, they want to move in with me when the unit is completed before moving to their retirement property, so they can have their main home empty to put on the market for sale. This is where I feel like a line needs to be drawn, but I don't know how to tell them they're overstepping without causing a big family drama.

EDIT: I spoke to my mom this evening, and we have agreed that it will be my apartment alone with the intention of subletting the second bedroom. I explained that this made more sense for me financially, and that I could rent a different apartment elsewhere if that wouldn’t work for them. She was not the most pleased that I didn’t want to “help her out”, but I feel so much better knowing they won’t be there for 1/3 of the year breathing down my neck. Thank you all so much for your comments :) I appreciate the advice!

Submitted June 02, 2020 at 02:01PM by EastWindow
My (26F) mother (58F) is taking advantage of renting me an apartment she owns with my step-dad (M69). My (26F) mother (58F) is taking advantage of renting me an apartment she owns with my step-dad (M69). Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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