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What should I (19F) do about my financially abusive live-in boyfriend(21M)?

UPDATE: Thank you all for your input! I pulled the trigger and he respectfully left my apartment. This wasn't easy, but it was definitely the right thing to do. I am already feeling a lot happier! It may be hard for some to understand why this was difficult for me, but I spent a long time (considering how old I am, haha) with him, so, many memories were built, and I was a part of his family. The bad outweighed the good though, so I'm happy to be done. I'm looking forward to a brighter future! Thank you again for your comments.

Hey, this might be longwinded, warning you. I have been with my bf for almost 2 years, we moved in together about 6 months ago. I am the only person on the lease, as his credit is NOT good. After about 5 months in the relationship he lost the ability to hold a job. He couldn't even keep a job for 2 months at a time. So I have been taking care of everything financially for a long time. I did not want to move in together and expressed that serval times, but he pressured me into allowing him to live with me. Now, 6 months into living tgthr he finally has a job that he seems to be doing well at, and enjoys, so it seems he will keep it. However, I'm super conflicted, he payed me for his half of the rent for this month but has not chosen to pay me back for any of the rent from prior months, and did not contribute to the electric or internet this month. He instead chose to buy something expensive and frivolous.

I have a soft spot for him because he has been left and put out on the street by his parents and family members for his entire life, so I do not want to do the same. However, I don't know what option I have at this point. I love him a lot, but taking on a parental role in the relationship has made me lose the romantic feelings that I had in the beginning. He also lied to me recently about 3 things, mostly having people that have been traveling in the last 2 weeks over to the apartment, I have asthma so I am high risk during this pandemic. I am not staying at my apartment rn, I am at my parents' house but I need to have the ability to return to my apartment in case of internet issues, or needing stuff from there, etc.

I know you might be thinking: What the heck is wrong with you? just be done with him!

But it's not that easy. I have had some really shitty relationships in the past where I have been physically abused. So the way that he loves me so deeply is reassuring and I feel like I can trust him in that aspect. More than any of my other partners in the past. He truly loves me like crazy. So it makes this incredibly hard on me. Im confused and don't want to put him out on the street. (I broke up with him before cause of the job stuff and he stayed in the apt with me bcz he didn't want to move back in with his grandparents, and we just ended up getting back together because we were tgthr all the time, so I'd have no other option but to kick him out.) Please lmk your opinions, because I'm confused and this is so hard.

**TL;DR; How to break up with a SO that does not help pay rent or contribute financially?*\*

Submitted April 01, 2020 at 11:50AM by lolograpefruit
What should I (19F) do about my financially abusive live-in boyfriend(21M)? What should I (19F) do about my financially abusive live-in boyfriend(21M)? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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