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My (23F) dad (55M) is unnecessarily going out during the Corona outbreak every day. How do I stop him?

I live in a state where non-essential services have been ordered to close. My mom, sister, and I have been practicing self-isolation. My dad, however, doesn't seem to care to follow the stay-at-home order. He unnecessarily goes grocery shopping every single morning because he's bored. Every evening, he meets with a few of his friends. They meet at a small "grocery store" run by one of his friends. I put it in quotes because it only has a few grocery items. No one actually goes there to buy groceries. Most foot-traffick in their shop is to use legal gambling machines and buy some cigarettes or tobacco and there's still a lot of people going in and coming out of that shop every day. I'm not quite sure about this, but I believe my dad has mentioned that their tobacco is fresh and left open in the shop and he purchases some every day to chew with his friends. Quite frankly, the people that go to that shop don't seem to be the types to practice good hygiene and I doubt that the store owner even cleans up regularly. I've looked into reporting the shop so my dad can't go there anymore, but they're registered as a grocery store, an essential service, and can remain open. My mom, sister, and I have all tried talking to him about it multiple times, but he ignores us. Now, its escalated to us yelling at him but he ignores us as he walks out. My dad knows about the severity of Corona, but he just thinks that he’s invincible and that he's never going to get it and spread it to us.

I couldn't care less if my dad gets Corona. If he gets it, he did it to himself. I'm worried by the rest of my family who has been practicing self-isolation but being put at risk by my dad. What can I do/say to get him to stop unnecessarily going out every day? No one is really allowing house guests into their home right now so I can't stay with a friend, but I wouldn't want to impose upon them anyway.

TL;DR my dad refuses to stay at home during the Coronavirus pandemic and he unnecessarily goes into crowded, dirty places because he's bored. My mom, sister, and I have tried talking to him (and now yelling at him), but he doesn't listen. He thinks he's invincible. What can I do/say to stop him from leaving every day so he doesn't put the rest of my family at risk?

Submitted April 02, 2020 at 06:17PM by jenasequa
My (23F) dad (55M) is unnecessarily going out during the Corona outbreak every day. How do I stop him? My (23F) dad (55M) is unnecessarily going out during the Corona outbreak every day. How do I stop him? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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