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How do I(28M) ask my gf(33F) to walk more softly while in my apartment without hurting her feelings?

So, basic background, my girlfriend isn't large. Curvy for sure, but not fat. However she, like many people, can be self conscious about her weight when put the wrong way. I weigh a good 30 pounds more than her, so the issue isn't weight. Hell my neighbor is probably half my weight and it sounds like Godzilla lives next door. I live in an apartment on the third story with pretty poorly designed floors that transfer vibration pretty bad, and I have a saltwater fish tank with an easily stressed fish in it. I've walked pretty softly for most of my adult life due to a knee injury, so I've had to minimize impact, and me walking by doesn't bother him. But when she does, he darts into the caves and shows signs of stress for hours after.

I've been thinking about a little white lie, something along the lines of "Hey I noticed Daffy(fish) is acting really sensitive to movement lately, so I've had to move really gingerly when passing the tank." But I don't know if that will adequately convey my wishes.

tl;dr: Girlfriend walks heavily, and it stresses out my fish.

Submitted April 24, 2020 at 11:39AM by TacosArePeopleToo
How do I(28M) ask my gf(33F) to walk more softly while in my apartment without hurting her feelings? How do I(28M) ask my gf(33F) to walk more softly while in my apartment without hurting her feelings? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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