How to tell my [22] girlfriend [24] that her weight gain worries me after 3+ years of unbridled support?
I'll try and keep this as concise as possible. My girlfriend has put on 50+ pounds over our 3 year relationship. As she started gaining weight she became more self conscious about it, and I tried to give her positive reinforcement and told her I don't care about weight gain. What i'm about to write will come off as cold, callous and uncaring. So I want to preface it by saying that I love my girlfriend. I want to marry her, have a family with her. That being said, the weight gain bothers me. How do I tell her that suddenly after years of being nothing but supportive? She is already VERY defensive and sensitive to criticism. This means that if i'm "honest" about my feelings it will most likely result in crying, fighting, and who knows what else. I want her to prioritize her health NOW so that these things aren't something she struggles with her entire life. Most people would suggest cooking together or working out, but we don't live together yet and she doesn't like what I cook. She also hates going to the gym.
How do I bring this up without making it sound like I was being fake all these years? I still find her attractive, but her self loathing about her weight and failure to do anything about it for 3+ years is making things difficult. If the only advice you have is to break up because i'm shallow and an asshole, save it. I'm committed to this relationship. I want to know how to talk to her about this. Thanks.
tldr; my girlfriend gains weight and my positive approach to weight loss has been unsuccessful for her, how do I change my approach and tell her my feelings going forward?
edit: I forgot to include her height for reference. She has a small frame and is 5'3.
Submitted January 04, 2020 at 03:35PM by blastedmedex
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