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I (M24) love my girlfriend (F24) of 6 years but she will not move in with me unless we buy a house. We are on the verge of a breakup because I don't want to. Please help me.

HI, r/relationships. I have been dating my GF (24 F) for 6 years. Over the course of time, we have both went through school and have had a decent thing going on. I love my girlfriend. I spend almost every day with her and she is without a doubt, my best friend.

I recently finished my degree and accepted a good job paying way more than I should be making. During uni, I worked as a tutor and teaching assistant and had virtually no money and I was lucky to have a place to live. I took out student loans to afford school. She, on the other hand, worked as a waitress and made good money, but as I found out, failed out of school and will likely need another year to finish, but accepted a full time entry level position at a big company.

She always wanted to buy a house. I do to. I want to live with her. We both lived with our parents over this period of time, and never moved out together. M father is completely unstable and manipulative. My mom is mentally ill and has severe OCD. I want to move out now. She gets pissed because we should buy a house since its such a great investment, but I keep stressing I NEED to get away from my toxic parents.

On top of that, I don't want to commit to saving for a house down payment. I dont see the point. I worked my ass off for the money I make now and she wants me to automatically put it towards a house. Again, I repeat, WE HAVE NEVER LIVED ON OUR OWN YET. She says the responsibility isnt that bad and she understands it because she helps her dad do work around the house. I think shes delusional, and again, I haven't even lived with her!

Its so bad because I said I am going to move out and focus on my career and then a house a few years down the line and she freaks out when I bring this up. What am I doing wrong. I dont know how to convince her that buying a house when she makes no money is unfair to me, and I want to try living with her first.

The fights are so bad when we try to discuss it because she gets so defensive since it is apparently my fault, as I could have saved for it instead of "doing nothing" in school. I know it sounds like I am fingerpointing but I dont know what to do.

Please help.

TL;DR: My gf of 6 years wont move out with me and insists we buy a house together first. I want to move out of my toxic home environment and take it easy before committing to a house and she thinks thats selfish. We are fighting about it and its basically a turning point in our relationship.

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 08:20PM by bjjthrowaway112358
I (M24) love my girlfriend (F24) of 6 years but she will not move in with me unless we buy a house. We are on the verge of a breakup because I don't want to. Please help me. I (M24) love my girlfriend (F24) of 6 years but she will not move in with me unless we buy a house. We are on the verge of a breakup because I don't want to. Please help me. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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