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My gf ignored me at a party and I’m not sure what to do with my emotions

Sorry but this is kind of a long story. I (M16) have been dating my girlfriend(F15) for around 6 months and around Christmas time she invited me to spend time with her and her family for Lunar New Year, I’m not Asian or anything and I have zero idea what people do but I happily agreed anyways.

FF to 2 days ago (her family wanted to celebrate it after church) I woke up super excited to go with her and I promptly got ready and arrived at her house and everything was great we get into the car to go to go church but whats is when I got into the car she stopped speaking to me, I didn’t think anything about it because I thought she didn’t want to speak in front of her parents or something but anyways we get to church and it wasn’t bad even though I didn’t understand anything the father was saying

Anyways her family was planning to stick around for the church’s party and here is where the problem starts to become apparent. As we walk to the party she runs away from me and goes to talk with her sisters, I still was fine with it because nothing has really happened yet so I follow her, they talk excluding me from the conversation until the dancing dragons or whatever start to do their act and my gf tells me that she thinks what they do are cool.

After that happens we walk over to her family and just hang out. Now she starts to completely ignore me she doesn’t talk to me once after this moment, she runs away from me and for the remainder of this party I sat there not knowing what to do. The only thing that kept me entertained were these old men that were playing blackjack. Those 2-3 hours I watched those men play were the longest most grueling hours I have ever experienced.

But finally it was time to go so we move to the front of the church and start taking pictures and her family told me to stand next to her to take pictures again she said nothing to me, then we took pictures by our selves again she said nothing to me. After that we went home and she said nothing to me the entire car ride even though I sat next to her.

We get home still nothing so I tell her I’m going and I leave. I send her some texts asking why she invited me if she was going to ignore me, and she doesn’t respond until a lot later. A little while after my mom gets a phone call from her mom and she tells my mom that she’s so sorry for what her daughter did and that everyone slammed on her and honestly they told her some really mean things. So at that point I feel very confused because I’m extremely hurt by her but I also feel bad because she got slammed as hard as she did. She responds to me saying that she’s a coward and that she can’t handle this right now. She never sends me a sorry and she even tried to avoid me at school yesterday.

I tried to talk to her in between passing periods yesterday and she told me that I could talk to her later. We had an after school event yesterday so I took that as an opportunity and talked to her about it, so after the event I asked her if I could take her home and on the way there I talked to her but the problem was that it barely counted as a conversation she gave me almost no responses besides I don’t why I did that. I eventually get to her house and I tell her if her if she doesn’t want to talk to me she could just go, so she gets out of my car and when she was going to close the door she said I’m sorry hopefully you can forgive me. I drove home super sad last night.

I don’t know what to do I just want things to go back to normal. I love her and I miss talking to her and being with her but I can’t bring myself to forgive her, she hasn’t tried consoling me or anything and I’m still being half ignored. What do I do?

TL:DR My girlfriend ignored me at a party she invited me to, I tried to talk to her yesterday but nothing came out of it, now I’m emotionally distraught and can’t bring myself to forgive her

Submitted January 28, 2020 at 01:09PM by FlippinTacos
My gf ignored me at a party and I’m not sure what to do with my emotions My gf ignored me at a party and I’m not sure what to do with my emotions Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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