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Coworker [30sF] telling people she “made me” [26F]

Background: I’ve been with my current company coming up on two years. The path to the current job I’m in within that company is a little unique. I started as a receptionist but they soon realized I had a natural skill set in another area of the company. Since then, I’ve been quickly promoted twice and given more responsibility, and I’m to the point where I have somebody under me and feel like I’ve found a career I really love.

The problem is that one coworker for the past few months has been going around telling me and others that she “made me”. That I was a lowly receptionist before she helped me learn my skill set. First of all, I hate when people look down on reception and administrative work. But mainly, I worked damn hard to get where I am. I was putting in 12-14 hour days regularly and working nights and weekends to prove myself (still sometimes am). I had some natural skill but knew I needed to study and work more to grow. She didn’t help me, but I did take over a portion of a job she was temporarily helping with. The thing is, her constantly taking credit for my hard work is driving me insane. She’s now starting to do it to my employee too which I am extremely uncomfortable with.

I have no idea how to approach this. I considered us good work friends, but it’s starting to be noticed by others. I have people in other departments defending me to her and coming up to me saying it’s awkward and uncomfortable when she goes on tangents about how she made me who I am now and without her I wouldn’t be here. I’ve tried to shut it down when done to me, but I don’t know if there’s much of a point bringing it up with her, mainly because I don’t even know how to broach the topic yet again. How do I go about talking to her about it or just letting it go?

Tldr: worked my way up in the company, coworker is claiming she made me who I am, without her I’m nothing

Submitted January 29, 2020 at 06:05PM by Throwaway89475
Coworker [30sF] telling people she “made me” [26F] Coworker [30sF] telling people she “made me” [26F] Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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