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My nan is no longer safe to drive, and we don't know how to tell her.

Hi everyone, hope you can help with some advice.

My (27m) nan (83f) has never been a particularly good driver and has had a few accidents over the years. I've just had a text from my teenage nephews' dad that they no longer want to get in the car with her, and he wants to speak to me for advice tomorrow afternoon. Presumably, she's either had another accident or has just been generally unsafe with them in the car again.

When I speak to their dad tomorrow, what kind of things should I advise him to do? Is it right to explicitly say they no longer want to be in the car with her? She drives everywhere and regularly says she'd feel like her legs would be cut off without her car, so I'm worried she'd be crushed if she felt she couldn't drive anymore.

It feels like the safest thing to do is to just tell their dad that he should drive them to her house and to meet her, but that doesn't solve the bigger problem that she might not be safe to drive full stop. What if someone gets hurt?

So, does anyone have any experience telling old people that people no longer feel safe being driven by them, and how to handle it sensitively and appropriately? Any advice appreciated!

Tl;dr - Nan may no longer be safe to drive, need advice on if and how she should be told sensitively.

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 02:11PM by Mufasaaa
My nan is no longer safe to drive, and we don't know how to tell her. My nan is no longer safe to drive, and we don't know how to tell her. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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