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Me [30 M] with my fiance [30s F] together 7 years, was contacted on insta by the ex of a guy she works with who said they exchanged steamy texts last week leading to their breakup

 My fiance and I have been together for 7 years. So I was contacted by my fiance's coworker's ex today, who told me that she found an incriminating text conversation over a 48 hour period from last week. Her excuse for contacting me was that she felt like I should know because she left her bf as a result. I asked for details about what was said in those messages and she couldn't give me great details, but apparently it was enough for her to leave her bf and my suspicion is that fiance was participating heavily. I confronted fiance and she admitted to the exchange but wouldn't give details on how far the stuff went except that she felt bad and was appreciating the attention. For background, her and I have been going to counseling for a while and although things have appeared to be getting better I question whether or not it she is willing to do any work on herself. After this I am re-framing a lot of interactions we have had around co-workers and male friends and I'm lost as to what to do. This just seems like another thing on top of laundry list of things we are working on right now (including being cross-country). Any advice or insight is appreciated. tl;dr - Fiance and her coworker were texting back and forth and his now ex told me about via insta. What do? 

Submitted September 27, 2019 at 06:49AM by obvthrowaway666999
Me [30 M] with my fiance [30s F] together 7 years, was contacted on insta by the ex of a guy she works with who said they exchanged steamy texts last week leading to their breakup Me [30 M] with my fiance [30s F] together 7 years, was contacted on insta by the ex of a guy she works with who said they exchanged steamy texts last week leading to their breakup Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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