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Me [25F] with my boyfriend [25M], together 9 months, he insists that I wear nasty old clothes in his apartment

Throwaway because my boyfriend is very active on reddit.

I've been with my boyfriend 9 months and he's a wonderful partner. We both work in the same field and met at work. I'm very happy with him. We're about to take the next step and move in together. There is one problem that's giving me pause and it seems to be getting worse over time.

Sometimes I will stay over at his place for the weekend, and every time I do he wears these nasty clothes that I hate and sometimes basically forces me to wear them. I have no idea where this is coming from, I don't think it's a fetish or anything. But when I shower or go to change for bed, he offers me the nastiest old shirts and sweatpants full of holes and stains, some of them literally in tatters. He also dresses like this at home pretty much all the time.

I want to stress that he dresses totally normal for work and overall seems to have good hygiene. When I've gone home with him after work, he'll say he wants to get comfortable and immediately takes off his normal clothes and puts on what I can only describe as rags.

This is not a money issue, we both make good money, and he also apparently has other "normal" loungewear for when other people who are not me are around. I got him a really nice monogrammed robe for his birthday, and he said he loves it, but I've NEVER seen him wear it. Instead he wears these nasty old sweatshirts full of holes. I can't even imagine how long he's had these, I've never seen clothes in this condition before.

I've tried to bring it up gently and every time I do he goes on some weird rant about the environment and I can't keep track of his logic. I've stopped bringing it up because it visibly upsets him.

The last straw for me before making this post was that I realized he's been hiding my clothes from me. After it happened for a fifth time that I got out of the shower at his place and my clothes were out of sight, I realized something was going on. Other times I've simply put on the clothes I had on before my shower, and the clothes that I brought in an overnight bag will magically reappear when I'm leaving the next day. However, we went on a hike today and my clothes were pretty gross so I didn't want to rewear them. Again my bag was missing. When I asked him where my clothes were, he simply offered me his nasty old clothes.

I don't know how to address this with him. I love him very much and could really see us having a future together, but all I can think is that if we have kids he'll basically want to dress them in rags too. This whole thing is just really bizarre and upsettings for me and I don't know how to talk to him about it. What can I do?

TL;DR: My otherwise normal boyfriend wears and makes me wear weird old clothes in his apartment. Attempts to talk about it have failed. What can I do to fix this?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 04:00PM by DontRagOnMe
Me [25F] with my boyfriend [25M], together 9 months, he insists that I wear nasty old clothes in his apartment Me [25F] with my boyfriend [25M], together 9 months, he insists that I wear nasty old clothes in his apartment Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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