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My (26F) live in boyfriend (25M) never initiates sex, but masturbates daily

TLDR: My (26F) live in boyfriend (25M) never initiates sex, but masturbates daily. When we do have sex, he reluctantly agrees and he always wants me to give him a blow job first.

throwaway account. I do want to preface this by saying our relationship other than this is amazing, we’re really happy and I really have no other complaints about our relationship. We go on dates a lot, we laugh constantly, we spend a lot of time together. He’s truly my best friend. I love him so much, this is someone who I want to marry and we’ve talked about getting married and agree it’s what we both want. I feel bad for complaining about this...but I’m sick of feeling rejected. For background, I haven’t gained weight or changed my appearance since we’ve met so I don’t think it’s anything like that.

My (26F) boyfriend (25M) moved in together a few months ago, but this started even before that (we were staying at each other’s places a lot). It started probably about 6 months ago or so. On the topic of masturbating: He has a ritual of masturbating to porn every morning in the bathroom before showering and going to work, which is totally fine with me. I masturbate all the time. The difference is that I prefer sex with him to masturbating. I’m not sure if his daily masturbating is a reason he isn’t interested in sex because this apparently is something he’s always done, but just wanted to give that background. I also want to note that every woman he’s dated and the types of videos he masturbates to all have very large butts (lol). I know that sounds ridic, but it might have something to do with this. I have a very average sized butt, and big butts are his thing, but he always says my beautiful face and personality mean more to him than me having a fat ass. Regardless, I’ve been hitting the gym like crazy doing leg days and glute isolation workouts to grow my glutes and that’s actually been working- my butt is getting a little bigger! He didn’t tell me to do this btw, I just wanted to bc i know that’s what he likes and big butts are generally kind of “in” anyways. Ok sorry for the tangent but it might be helpful context.

Basically, our sex life has been bumming me out. I try to have sex a lot, and he shrugs it off or asks that I give him a blow job first. He rarely goes down on me, and he usually only does it when we 69. We’ve been together for a year and a half, and it was definitely not like this when we first started dating. He really wanted me and was obsessed with having sex with me, and now it feels like he’s doing me a favor when he agrees to have sex with me. He has alluded that I ask him for sex so much (he seems annoyed by it a bit) so maybe I should stop asking? He also works a stressful job so that’s another thing I’ve considered but even on the weekends when we aren’t doing much he’s not super interested. And he still finds time to masturbate.

I know there’s a lot to unpack here, but I’m so sick of feeling rejected sexually and frankly it’s making me a bit insecure. Is it dumb to feel hurt by this? Is it the masturbating? The job? Is my ass not fat enough? (haha kind of joking about the last one but...)

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 10:17AM by anonnypers
My (26F) live in boyfriend (25M) never initiates sex, but masturbates daily My (26F) live in boyfriend (25M) never initiates sex, but masturbates daily Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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