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I [30M] want to start getting back into a hobby after our two daughters have been born, but my wife [32F] isn’t supportive.

My wife and I have been married for 4 years and have a 2.5 year old and a 7 month old. I like to think I am good father and husband that values family above all else. I started a company from scratch that has provided us with a very comfortable life and the opportunity for my wife to stay home as her choice to raise the kids.

Despite owning a startup company, I make sure I am home by 430pm every day to help with the kids. I Never work the weekends or holidays. Being a present father to my girls is extremely important to me. Hell I can’t even remember the last time I saw any of my friends that don’t also have kids.

When my wife became pregnant my hobbies went out the window because she became extremely ill and at some points hospitalized. I had no free time because I was caring for her around the clock. Just as our first child was out of the baby phase, we got pregnant again and the illness process started over again. I got in the habit of making it to work super early so I could get home and relieve the babysitter at 3pm and take care of my sick wife and toddler daughter. Again, no time at all for my hobbies.

Now that my daughter is 7 months old, I want to start using my free time at night after the kids go down to have some me time. I am, or i guess was, a huge car guy and have a classic car restoration about 90% complete sitting in the garage.. I want to spend an hour or two a few nights a week working on it. Nothing major. Before marriage, I spent ALL of my free time out in the garage building cars so it’s been a huge sacrifice for me.

Well my wife is frankly not happy about it. From her perspective, she already feels like she doesn’t get enough time with me as it is and doesn’t feel like we are connecting which I agree with. However, I feel like I need this time to myself to do what I love. I want her to be happy and feel loved, but I also want my needs met. I don’t feel like i’m asking a lot.

What should I do? What would be a good compromise here?

Submitted September 01, 2019 at 08:31PM by 67triumphGT6
I [30M] want to start getting back into a hobby after our two daughters have been born, but my wife [32F] isn’t supportive. I [30M] want to start getting back into a hobby after our two daughters have been born, but my wife [32F] isn’t supportive. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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