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UPDATE: My [21 M] girlfriend [19 F] has made up her mind that she wants to do a nude photoshoot with a 30 year old she met at the bar

Hey everyone, I made a post a few days ago about my gf wanting to meet up with a creep she met at the bar for a nude photoshoot and just wanted to update you guys on what’s happened.

Link to original post:

I knew that there was no chance I was going to let her meet this guy but after reading everyone’s comments I extra extra knew that there was no chance she was meeting this guy. I took my gf to a coffee shop and tried once again to explain how fucked up this all was, how he could be a rapist, involved in sex trafficking, etc. I also said I didn’t want some random guy seeing my girl naked. She told me she appreciated my concern but she found his online portfolio and it was legit. She pulled out her phone to show me and I was surprised. This guy had very professional, nice pictures. Some of the girls were models that now have thousands of followers on Instagram. She also said that I can drive her, go in with her and watch the whole time so there was really nothing to be concerned about. Let me say that I don’t really ever have to have these talks with the gf because she has otherwise good judgment. When I do have these talks with her I find it hard to properly get all my thoughts out and we end up agreeing on what she wants. We left the coffee shop with her still adamant on wanting to go. Let me also clarify that I love my gf and trust her to wear what she wants, to make her own decisions, etc. But not today baby.

I talked to my buddies and we came up with a plan. We all met up and did research on this guy and his company, and found so many ways to debunk his credibility. We went through his “online portfolio” then traced back the pictures to the actual photographers and modelling agencies to prove to her that he’s a big fat liar. We found a government website for our area talking about modelling scams, the red flags, the dangers, and so on, most of which matched this exact situation. We also compiled the best comments from my original thread and included screenshots of those. On my original post, someone mentioned Rodney Alcala, who lured young women into his apartment for the same thing and these girls were never heard from again. We found the sad sad stories of women who have partaken in this type of deal and how terribly it ended. We compiled all our research into a PowerPoint, I borrowed my buddies projector, and it was showtime baby. Got the gf her favourite snacks, put my best suit on, and sat her down for the premier of “107 reasons why modelling with _____ agency is absolutely bonkers”. We went through the presentation and there were so many emotions. We went from her laughing at how I made a PowerPoint, to her crying when I was talking about the women who died in the scam, and her sitting in awe when I was done. She said she was so grateful for me and said she will never ever get herself into something so ridiculous. She hugged me, and when she pulled back I could see she had tears in her eyes. I kissed her forehead and she said “I’m gonna marry you”. That’s my baby.

TLDR; Made a PowerPoint presentation on why she absolutely shouldn’t see this guy and she has no plans of seeing him anymore.

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 04:20PM by qazwsxthro
UPDATE: My [21 M] girlfriend [19 F] has made up her mind that she wants to do a nude photoshoot with a 30 year old she met at the bar UPDATE: My [21 M] girlfriend [19 F] has made up her mind that she wants to do a nude photoshoot with a 30 year old she met at the bar Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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