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My wife (32F) doesn't want my sister (19F) around and I (36M) feel so sad. Disagreement is intractable, wife upset I'm sad. What do I do?

**TL;DR;** : Kid sister and wife on the outs, I feel sad, but wife is upset by me being upset. What do I do?

A few years ago my kid sister was going through a rough patch - mental illness, conflict with the rents, substance abuse, boys. My wife and I were going to take her in for a while, give her a fresh environment, all that jazz. My wife became convinced my sister was too unstable. We had a big argument about it, in the end I caved.

Sister ends up going through a whole lot of shit, kind of blames it on my wife. Says some unkind things about her and they get back to my wife. Now my wife doesn't want her around at all. I kind of accept this but if something brings it up I feel really sad, like it hurts inside.

If I show I'm upset my wife gets upset. So sometimes I try to pretend it doesn't hurt. But other times its just too much work to hide. What do I do?

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 02:10PM by frankiechuckup
My wife (32F) doesn't want my sister (19F) around and I (36M) feel so sad. Disagreement is intractable, wife upset I'm sad. What do I do? My wife (32F) doesn't want my sister (19F) around and I (36M) feel so sad. Disagreement is intractable, wife upset I'm sad. What do I do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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