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My girlfriend (F37) pushed me (M26) last night

We had both had a terrible day.

She suffers from bi-polar, depression and anxiety, and some particularly sore points of conversation had come up.

I was helping tidying the house, it was obvious I was not in the greatest of moods, putting things away heavy handily and not really responding to my bf's question of why I was upset. Just respond that I am tired. I kept on replying this way until she came over and told me to sit down then. She stood in my path such that I could not get around her. She then frog marched me into the living room and pushed me down on the couch pretty hard. I didn't push back or stop her from moving me.

It felt horrible to have my physical boundaries pushed like that. It's a trigger for me, as I am a survivor of an emotionally manipulative relationship, that ended when it became physical (she through a webcam at the back of my head).

Afterwards I told her that I was going to go out for bit and she sat down in front of the door and asked me to stay. She then apologized for the incident. She herself has dealt with real physical abuse before. So it was completely shocking to see her react in that way.

This is a completely isolated incident. I've never seen her do anything like this before. I just don't know what to do and how to deal with this situation. We have a trip coming up this weekend and I'm tempted to go by myself so I can have some space.

Update/edit: the reason for what she did was so that I would "sit down and relax". It wasent supposed to be malicious. We have been talking through the day and she has admitted to "very mild abuse" in her exact words, but she also has in that time: a) accused me of "hurting her", she is referring to a situation where I pulled on her hand and hurt her finger when she tried to walk away once. I shut her down on that she agreed it was different, she tried to guilt me by saying I was hurting her by going on this trip without her. She said she wanted to "go home and die" but followed up by saying that wasn't a threat, and she keeps insisting that her feelings and intentions are important, as where I keep telling her I dont really care where her feelings are about the incident, if I were to cheat on her, and then felt bad my feelings in that situation are null and void, I created the bed, now it's time to lay on it. She has also threatened to "make the decision to end the relationship" over this weekend... if she wants to make it easy on me then she's welcome to go ahead and do that.

Tl;dr: my girlfriend pushed me last night and I have no idea how to react.

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 07:44AM by ThrowMeAwayPls101010
My girlfriend (F37) pushed me (M26) last night My girlfriend (F37) pushed me (M26) last night Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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