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My (23F) boyfriend (21M) would rather live in filth than help out around the house.

We have been dating for around a year now and live together. I do almost everything around the house chore wise - wash, fold, and put away laundry, clean dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, etc. He has been going to school four days a week then working the other three, so I told myself that was the reason he couldn’t help out more. But now that school has ended he still hasn’t made any effort to help.

I’ll ask him to do little things now and then (like take the laundry out of the dryer when they finish because I have to leave for work) and he still doesn’t do it saying he “forgot” or whatever.

I confronted him about it today saying that I was unhappy about the way things were and maybe he could help out more. I told him I didn’t want to just be like a third parent always taking care of him. His response was “if cleaning up after me makes you upset, then don’t do it anymore.” His thought is if I stop doing it, it will force him to start. I understand his thought processes, but I also know him well enough to know he will just let everything pile up for weeks before cleaning anything.

I’m mostly hurt that I came to him crying about how I feel unappreciated and instead of offering to help or saying sorry (or even a thank you) , he essentially told me to just get over it and stop cleaning up after him.

I’m not sure where to go from here. Do I bring it up again? Should I really stop cleaning up after him and see what happens? He really doesn’t seem to care about how hurt I feel, which makes me even more hurt. Am I overreacting?

TL;DR: my boyfriend doesn’t seem to care about all the work I do around the house; he’d rather live with the mess than try and help out.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 12:22PM by bishwhat_
My (23F) boyfriend (21M) would rather live in filth than help out around the house. My (23F) boyfriend (21M) would rather live in filth than help out around the house. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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