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My (31m) gf (25f) invited her friends on our holiday without discussing it with me. How to navigate

Throwaway because she reddits

Me and my gf met at work and have been in a relationship for about 6 months. A good relationship, affectionate and romantic.

I saw a cheap last minute holiday, leaving in roughly a week. I asked my gf if she wanted to go with me. She said yes, we made sure we could get time off work, booked it and i paid for both of us.

Sounds great, ive not been to another country fo a few years and its our first opportunity to spend a whole week together, alone and without interuption.

I was really looking forward to it, planned a few activities and booked a surprise romantic meal for us both.

Enter gf's best friend and her boyfriend. Gf and her best friend have known each other since school, are really close and have a tradition where they go away together every year.

The best friend and her boyfriend have been in a relationship for a few years from what i know and live together. Ive met them a few times over the months, usually with alcohol involved. They seem nice but i would not say i know them that well

So holiday booked a paid for. Gf asked me if i wanted to come for a few drinks with bestfriend and her bf. I said sure. So we were at a bar having a few drinks, all was fun until

Bestfriend - "have you told him the surprise yet?"

Gf - " i invited my bestfriend and her boyfriend on the holiday with us"

Me - "oh"

Bestfriend - "yeah we booked and paid for it today"

Me - "wow"

The best friend then pulls out brochures, leaflets and things she has printed off about the area and they start planning their weeks activities. This includes things that i was planning on doing with my gf, things that i know she would like to do.

The last straw for me was when the bestfriend showed my gf the romantic restaurant i had booked as a surprise for us.

Bestfriend - "oh i was thinking we could have a double date here on the last night"

Me - "yeah i already have a table booked for 2 on the last night"

At this point i made my excuses and left the bar.

Ive not really spoken to my gf since. Im not sure if she is aware that im upset about this because i dont really have anything to say apart from youre an idiot.

I know i should talk to her an explain and maybe arrange so we dont spend much time with them but ive honestly lost all enthusiasm to go and i really dont want to upset my gf like she has upset me with this.

Were it not for the fact its last minute and already paid for i just wouldnt go.

I dont want to upset her but i really cant see where she would have thought this was a good idea

She never discussed them going with me and i am pissed off by this.

I feel like i should just not engage and maybe do my own thing for the week but that would make me an asshole.

This has got me questioning the relationship. Im not planning on breaking up with her or anything but i feel like if my romantic plans are going to be treated with such a lack of consideration and respect then i should not make them. Therefore i feel like i wont put effort into the relationship, therefore i dont see a point in a relationship i wont invest in

How do i talk to my gf without putting a downer on the week for her and without essentially calling her an idiot?

How do i navigate a week with people i dont really dont know that well and i dont really want to be with?

How do i not suck the life out of a holiday i no longer want to go on for the other people?

Tldr booked a holiday for me and my gf. She invited her friends without asking me. I no longer want to go but dont really have a choice. How do i not be an asshole about it?

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 03:39AM by throwaway234567ae
My (31m) gf (25f) invited her friends on our holiday without discussing it with me. How to navigate My (31m) gf (25f) invited her friends on our holiday without discussing it with me. How to navigate Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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