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My (20f) boyfriend (23M) and I got into a fight last night over the principles of respecting the female body.

This is a bit of a long post and possibly a confusing one.. this argument all started yesterday afternoon whilst I was getting dressed.

My boyfriend (who was on reddit at the time) began telling me about a death that had occured at a university that a close friend of mine attends. Me hearing this walk out of the room half undressed to get more information from him as I am concerned for my friend.

However, he decides that it is the perfect time to "honk" my boob and in the process pushes me backwards ( I was crouching down so I was pretty unsteady on my feet anyway) I get quite annoyed at him and go back to the room to continue getting dressed.

I understand that the "boob incident" may just be bad timing on his behalf but its not the first time he has done something like this so when we were in bed later that night I brought it up with him and how I felt that he viewed my body more as a toy that he can just do anything to and that I want it to be respected by him and this is where he said "well if you want it to be respected you should be wearing clothes".

Now I got pretty mad at this and as I was telling him how wrong it was that he said that he stormed out of the room and went to sleep on the couch. Now, I tried to get some sleep but my mind just kept running over and over what had happened so I decided to talk to him about it and this is where he said that I had misunderstood him and hadn't let him explain. He was mad that I had just assumed the worst of him. I asked him for an explanation but he didn't really give me one that I could understand (something about it being difficult to see me naked around the house when he can't "do anything about it" (I'm on my period atm)). I don't really know what his explanation means but he offered me nothing further. I also tried to tell him that because he walked out with no explanation that I can only take his words at face value..

Now, its the next morning and he won't even talk to me. He left for work without saying goodbye which has never happend before. I want to talk to him so we can sort this out. I'm not sure what to do and if I am in the wrong here? I tried calling him ( as he walks to work) but he is not answering. I'm really lost at the minute becuase on one hand I want to stick up for myself but on the other I just want to sort this out and move on. I want to know what he was thinking and what his pespective of this argument is but also want him to apologise and value my perspective of it too...its tricky I don't deal with conflict well at all.

Edit: while I want to thank everyone for your advice and support (helped sort a few things out) I just want to make it clear that breaking up with him is not an option. I love him very very much and ( I know this will sound like such bullshit) he is a great guy and this is what perplexes me so much about the respect thing because it doesn't jibe with the rest of his character...maybe the way we perceive things are just very different and we can't comprehend where the other is coming from..

TL;DR;: My boyfriend and I have gotten into an argument over the principles of respecting a womens body and I don't know who is in the right/wrong or how to fix things.

Submitted February 25, 2019 at 02:29PM by aprilthepotato
My (20f) boyfriend (23M) and I got into a fight last night over the principles of respecting the female body. My (20f) boyfriend (23M) and I got into a fight last night over the principles of respecting the female body. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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