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UPDATE: My crush (22F) of 6 months confessed that she also liked me (21F) a week before I permanently left the country.

My first post wasn’t too popular but I thought I’d write an update anyway since I’m incredibly happy

First Post:

And it’s TLDR: My crush likes me back and wants to watch the NYE fireworks with her and another of her friends. I don’ think it’s suppose to be a date because I’m leaving the country permanently. Not sure if I should just go and have fun or protect myself since I’m leaving anyway.

So after the night of the confession I was reeling and worried because I’d liked this girl for so long. I was worried about hurting my heart because I’d already gone through a breakup and dealing with my sexuality but everyone in my last post pushed me to go so I did.

I went to NYE with her and her friend, and it was so much fun. Her friend ended up leaving early so it was just the two of us. We went to a diner afterwards and sat there together for hours just talking. I ended up only getting about 3 hours sleep before my shift the next day but that was ok with me. She cooked me food and brought me coffee when she came in the next day because she knew the only reason I stayed out so late was her. After my shift I hung around til she finished so we could spend more time together. Every day we spent together into the wee hours of the morning just to be together.

At the end of the week I left for a trip around the country. I actually went to her home city (was preplanned didn’t go for her) and she organised for me to hang out with some of her friends for a day which was fantastic. Her friends were amazing and they kept saying they see how we got along.

I cut my trip a day short and came back just to see her and spent the whole day together. I’d never had so much fun with a person before in my life. I know that isn’t mutual because we talked about it, and she said she knows they’re not dates but can’t help but see them that way. And we both cried a lot when we said goodbye.

In such a short time I absolutely fell for her.

During my trip around her country I received a travel voucher, almost enough for me to fly back and visit. I absolutely am and then we’re going to go on that trip together at the end of the year. We’ve also got vague plans for her to come and visit me now which would be fantastic since it’s so different to her home.

We decided it’s best for us not to be in a relationship, but I think if the trip goes well and we still both feel the same after a year we should try. But we’ll see, feelings may fade or change and I’m happy just being friends if need be. I realise we’re both young so it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. THIS has been such a fun and happy part of my life and I’m so thankful for those on Reddit and real life who pushed me to go.

Anyway thank you for helping, here’s a little update :)

TLDR: ended up hanging out constantly and falling for her. Not in a LDR but planning on visits.

Submitted January 28, 2019 at 02:50PM by surprisegayHA
UPDATE: My crush (22F) of 6 months confessed that she also liked me (21F) a week before I permanently left the country. UPDATE: My crush (22F) of 6 months confessed that she also liked me (21F) a week before I permanently left the country. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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