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[23F][24M]Did I overreact by breaking up with him?

Duration of Relationship: 4 months

  1. We are planning to move to Florida in July. I offered to buy a duplex and spend money on renovating it. I would run an Airbnb business on one side and have him pay for half the mortgage while we live in the second unit. I think it’s fair considering I’m fronting the down payment, risk and repair expenses. I also offered him half of the equity on the house from when he starts making payments. I even offered him to rent out the second room in our unit so he’d only be out of pocket for a quarter of the mortgage.

He thought that was unfair and that I should take care of the aforementioned responsibilities and still split rent with him 50/50 on the second unit.

  1. I’m not feeling appreciated by him. I picked him up from the airport after he visited his family for Christmas. When we got home I pulled it out of him that he didn’t have a Christmas gift for me so that’s why he was about to leave me for 1-2 hours to go pick it up from Best Buy.

It just hurt because I had his gift all ready and super sentimental. Also I told him to bring his mom this special pendent I got for her and he forgot that too. He said he’d mail it as soon as he got back home….. but it’s been a week and that still hasn’t been done. He was also supposed to bring me a gift from his Mom, but he never gave that to me either….. I’m assuming ge forgot that too.

Lastly my birthday is coming up on Tuesday. He said he couldn’t be with me on my birthday because he’d be working late. I know he works 50+ hour weeks but even seeing me for 10 min would make me so happy. 😞

Also he only texts me about once a week. Otherwise I have to initiate texting/calling and that makes me feel bad too

  1. When I went to break up with him he definitely apologized but didn’t try to stop the breakup. He just let it happen.

  2. My friends asked him at a party if he would want to move in with me for a little since my lease is expiring he just gave an “idk” facial expression. He didn’t offer his place to me. That made me feel like he doesn’t have my back and it felt embarrassing. I don’t want to move with someone who doesn’t 100% have my back

  3. I’m a month away from doing my travels and since our plan to move in is not solidified I’m feeling insecure and don’t feel like waiting around on making my plans when he’s not taking lead.

TL;DR: I broke up with him because we have different fianqncual expectations and I don’t feel secure.

Submitted January 02, 2023 at 07:55PM by smokeythegirlbear
[23F][24M]Did I overreact by breaking up with him? [23F][24M]Did I overreact by breaking up with him? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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