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Is it normal for families to keep pictures up of exes?

My husband (35M) and I (32F)have been together for 4 years. Prior to meeting me, my spouse was with someone for 8-9 years (32F), but they were never married or engaged, no kids. He broke it off with her because of how she treated him. To this day, his siblings frequently refer to her as their sister.

A while after they broke up, he moved across the country (and met me) and she stayed in his hometown. I’ve only spent a handful of days with his family, so they don’t really know me, but they have always been warm and supportive of us being together. They call me sister now as well.

Last year, his dad gave us all a digital photo frame so we could share pictures with the family. It basically works like a slideshow. We recently went to visit a sister and both of us couldn’t help but notice that there were several photos of his ex gf in their family frame, both group shots and photos of her alone that are less than a year old. (They don’t show up in our frame at home -you can choose who to share with)

I’m trying not to take this personally, but it feels highly inappropriate to me. I don’t mind that they maintain a relationship with her, but the fact that they still call her sister where I can hear/see it and keep recent solo pictures of her around grates on both of us.

He has told them twice nowthat it upsets him, and even texted his sister while we were all hanging out asking her why she has pictures of his ex on there and she never responded to it.

Is this worth rocking the boat over?? I don’t really care about their approval since we are already married, and I know they like me enough. And I like them. But at the same time, it feels disrespectful, to me, but even more so to my husband/their brother.

Tbh I just don’t know what to make of it, and I have a tendency to talk myself into thinking I don’t have a right to feel how I feel. Does anyone have any actionable advice on how to handle this?

They have a right to be friends with her, she was a big part of their lives, but this isn’t sitting right with both of us and bringing it up hasn’t changed anything. Do we escalate or drop it?

TL;DR My husbands family still refers to his ex-gf as their sister and keeps recent photos of her in their home- is this normal or am I overreacting?

Submitted January 20, 2023 at 08:53PM by Mother_Pin_4219
Is it normal for families to keep pictures up of exes? Is it normal for families to keep pictures up of exes? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 21, 2023 Rating: 5

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