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Does anyone agree with me (23F) when I say I should leave what I think is a toxic relationship with my bf (31M)?

I (23F) feel like I’m being pressured to stay in a toxic relationship.

So two years ago I got into a relationship with this guy and things moved really fast. We both got starry-eyed in the relationship and were both eager to have something serious with someone in our lives. Not even a year into it, I got pregnant. We had our son and I really feel like I saw his true colors now that the relationship had reached a new level. It was a level that took being an adult, a level that took him having my back and wanting a life for us.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but there’s several reasons why I want to leave him:

  • We lived with his family for a while. He’s a total mama’s boy. As in it doesn’t matter if him and I have our own thing going on. He’ll drop any aspect of our plans for anything if it’s not what his mom wants (especially when it comes to our son)

  • He’s extremely lazy. It’s bad. Like we went to the LA county fair one year and he wanted to rent a scooter so he wouldn’t have to walk.

  • You can’t tell him anything. Like one time we were at a restaurant and he was ranting about work (which is all he talks about 99% of the time) and he was getting loud. It made me uncomfortable especially because he was using cuss words. I politely asked him to lower his voice and he was all “so the fuck what if everyone hears me”. He kept rambling (loudly) and I again politely told him to lower the volume and he’s all “so the fuck what if people hear me I don’t appreciated being shushed I’m sorry but if I’m embarrassing you then I’m embarrassing you” loudly enough to where other people could hear (and this isn’t the first time something like this has happened)

  • He ignores me a lot. Like, A LOT. I’m not talking once and a while when he’s watching a good show after a hard day at work. Like if I talk, he’s tuned out. 99% of the time anytime I say something he doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that I’m talking

  • We used to work together and his coworkers have indirectly told me it’s too much work to be a single mom and that it just couldn’t be done. They know I rent a room from someone and that my guy and I aren’t living together but are still a couple. They’ve made comments saying I’ll never find anyone better than him and that it’s just too much work to be a single mom—basically you’re not gonna make it so might as well just give up

  • I really just think he’s in this so he doesn’t have to pay child support and so his needs are met. I’m never affectionate with him anymore and I refuse to have sex with him. It’s obvious that I don’t want this but no joke I know if I never end it he never will.

TL;DR - My man and I aren’t married, aren’t living together and have a kid together and I’m really thinking about ending it. He’s displayed multiple toxic behaviors and I really think he knows I’m checked out and is only staying because this relationship benefits him.

Submitted October 13, 2022 at 12:40AM by SweetLilFrapp
Does anyone agree with me (23F) when I say I should leave what I think is a toxic relationship with my bf (31M)? Does anyone agree with me (23F) when I say I should leave what I think is a toxic relationship with my bf (31M)? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 13, 2022 Rating: 5

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