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I [19F] found out my step-dad [56M] is sabotaging my birth control for some reason and I'm not really sure what to do from here. Advice?

So I still live with my parents because I'm going to school. I am studying full time and don't have a source of income right now so it's the best scenario for me right now.

I have a boyfriend [20M] who I've been going steady with since we were 16. We are planning on getting engaged and moving in together when we are both done with school (2 years for me and 3 for him). He also lives with his parents and is in school full time. We spend most of our time together on weekends as the weeks are pretty busy for both of us.

I started birth control this last year because we both decided we didn't want to use condoms anymore and we are monogamous and have only ever been with eachother so I wanted to make the switch. He was on board. He actually splits the cost with me.

Anyway, I normally take it every day at 9am. I have an alarm on my phone. This morning I was up super early because I have an exam at 9 today, so I decided to take it early so I don't forget or have to get interrupted in my exam. When I went into my bathroom (the one downstairs that only I use), my step dad was there. I scared him and he jumped back, and dropped my pill sorter, which he had apparently opened because my meds scattered all over the floor, including my birth control pills.

I asked him what he was doing and he just pushed passed me and ran upstairs. I went to pick up my pills when I realized that one of the birth controls that landed on the counter was dissolving in a drop of water, the counter had a splash on it. That's extremely strange because the pill I take does not immediately dissolve in water, and I know that because I take my pills by dropping them in a shallow glass of water and then drinking it (been doing it since I was a kid, makes pills easier to take for me.)

I was really freaked out and pretty much stormed upstairs to demand an answer. My step dad had left the house in a hurry, his car was gone. My mom was gone to work as well. I decided to go into my parents room to dig around, because I was pissed off and just feeling like he should get his stuff violated too I guess. I found a bottle of sugar pills in his bathroom and when I googled them, it was fake birth control he bought online that is designed to look exactly like my brand. So he's been swapping it out for God knows how long. I have NO idea why the hell he would do that. Or how he even knew I was on birth control in the first place because I'm not on my parents insurance and I never mentioned it.

I feel disgusting for some reason. I don't even know what to do, advice on how to handle this?

TL;DR my step dad has been swapping my birth control for sugar pills and I have no idea why. Advice on how to handle this situation?

Submitted February 01, 2021 at 05:34AM by jakalud
I [19F] found out my step-dad [56M] is sabotaging my birth control for some reason and I'm not really sure what to do from here. Advice? I [19F] found out my step-dad [56M] is sabotaging my birth control for some reason and I'm not really sure what to do from here. Advice? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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