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My SIL (28F) Is constantly in competition with me (24F) and this time it's gone too far. What should I do?

So a little background, my husband and I have been married for 4 years, together for 8. I've also known SIL for 8. We had our first child right out of highschool and now have 3 kids together (4,5, and 1) SIL is a few years older so she was having kids at the same time we were and all of our children are around the same age, which is great because they have awesome relationships. We always had a pretty good relationship for the most part, we bonded over many shared interests and motherhood as our kiddos were young and I never thought anything was a miss. Fast forward to a little over a year ago things started to get a little weird, it seemed like anytime my kids made an accomplishment of some sort she was mad about it if he kids weren't already doing it. Right before I had my daughter I was potty training our then 2.5 year old, her 3 year old was not yet trained and she kept telling me "there's no way he will be able to at 2.5, they usually aren't ready" but I had done it with my older son at that age and it worked great! My middle son did just fine and she hated it, I could tell because she would constantly ask if he was regressing. Besides our kids, she started doing this with other things too, she would be sure to mention if her husband got a raise, if they got something new, if they were going somewhere etc. At this point I had kind of stopped talking to her a lot because it was always "we're doing this, we got this" just constantly throwing stuff around, and then she would ask intrusive questions about our lives for comparison. I always let this stuff roll off my back when we did talk because besides this we get along well and I didn't want to cause issues. I tried my best to never play into it and just keep it surface level. Plus we live very close in a small town so it's not like I can really get away. Also our family does get togethers weekly. That's just a few examples of the many things and for the sake of length I'll skip to what's happening now

About a year ago I became seriously interested in photography and pursuing it as a career. My husband was doing well at work so I was able to quit my part time after having our daughter and be a stay at home mom and ponder my dream a little more. About 6 months ago I got serious and invested in the proper gear, after many free shoots and lots of practice things just kind of randomly took off. 5 months ago I registered as an official business and started getting pretty busy and it's been amazing, I have a true passion for it and I love it so much. On our yearly family cabin vacation about 3 weeks ago SIL asked if I had anyone who would be working weddings with me (I'm starting to book them for 2021) I told her not yet as I'm still working on networking with others in the industry and shadowing weddings for another month. She joked that making a little cash here and there second shooting with me would be fun and I laughed along and not wanting to be rude said "yeah that could be fun". She started asking me lots of questions about cameras and how much they are. A good starter camera will run about a grand so I told her if you're serious, you can use my second camera to get practice in and see if it's something you like. I didn't hear from her for a few days and then saw she had went and gotten herself a camera and a few lenses. She began asking me lots of questions about settings and editing to which I gave her lots of advice and I helped her a little with getting to know her camera. She said on multiple occasions she would never do this as a business and it's just for fun and maybe doing weddings with me. Fast forward to this morning she had posted on her FB about how she may be looking to run mini sessions soon and was putting out feelers to see if anyone was interested. This is when I started to get a little upset. Reddit, I know many people do the same things and I'm by no means saying I'm the only photographer allowed here. It just feels like everytime I get a little successful at something she loves to try and take it from me. And I feel like this could get weird with family too, they will all feel super conflicted about who to go to. Not to mention she just got her camera and with little experience wants to charge people money. I guess my question is how do I even go about handling this. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like she is overstepping. Thing are going to be SUPER weird now and I know I cannot control what she chooses to do but how do I not build up resentment about this? She has a tendency to play the victim role too so I know if I said anything it might not end well. I feel like things were JUST getting better too. What would you do?

TL;DR I have a mildly successful Photography business, SIL is starting one now too.

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 08:12PM by Brighteyed7542
My SIL (28F) Is constantly in competition with me (24F) and this time it's gone too far. What should I do? My SIL (28F) Is constantly in competition with me (24F) and this time it's gone too far. What should I do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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