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What are some small gestures I [25F] can make that let my husband [29M] know I love him and think about him, even with the chaos of a new baby?

So, let me preface this by saying things are not bad between us, we’re doing well.

We have a three month old son who is wonderful, but obviously like all new parents we have no idea what we’re doing. Our son is fairly fussy, and since I can work from home, I spend most of the day in pajamas or sweats, wearing spit up and a pony tail. I have been struggling with postpartum depression, but he has been so wonderful and supportive through it all, and I’m managing.

Gifts are his love language, so he’s always getting little gadgets or goodies to surprise me. Money is tight, so they’re never big, but it’s always something hugely personal that shows me he cares. Yesterday, he told me to get dressed and wouldn’t tell me where we were going. He drove us to a bakery to buy macarons because they’re my favorite and since moving to our new house I haven’t found a bakery that had them.

So, here’s my question: what are some gestures for me to do the same for him? I want to remind him in little ways that I see him. That I love him. That even though the baby makes me crazy and I look like a soup sandwich, I’m still trying to be the best I can be for him.

I don’t make a lot of money, I’m in grad school so I get a small stipend that gives me enough to pay my half of the bills with a tiny amount left for savings. I do buy him little things when I can, especially since gift giving is his love language. However, I want to do things for him besides just ordering stuff online because we can’t go out due to COVID.

I’ve tried dressing in lingerie for him when he comes home, though I don’t feel sexy in any way, shape, or form, I know he likes it so I try. We are both firm believers that small gestures mean more than the big ones because life often passes you by while you’re trying to work up to the big ones. I hated coffee, he loves it, but i started drinking it with him. I started getting up early with him to make breakfast, then we sit and drink our coffee while listening to his favorite music and talk about the news or stupid stuff on reddit.

So, anyway, pardon my rambling.

Husbands/bfs/partners/people with opinions on reddit, what are some small gestures that would be meaningful reminders that you are loved?

These are more for inspiration, as I’m going to personalize or change things instead of being generic, but my mom brain needs some help.

TL;DR my husband is amazing but we have a new baby and I have postpartum depression so our life is about as put together as a bad ikea table with no instructions. That said, we love each other and I want to make small gestures that let him know he’s still my priority and even though I feel like a crazy person, I still love him. What are some small gestures that would make you feel loved coming from your partner?

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 04:38PM by thesnarkyscientist
What are some small gestures I [25F] can make that let my husband [29M] know I love him and think about him, even with the chaos of a new baby? What are some small gestures I [25F] can make that let my husband [29M] know I love him and think about him, even with the chaos of a new baby? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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