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My (22F) “partner” (24M) has no interest in helping me parent but takes the credit, won’t let me leave him.

My (22F) babies father/“partner” (24M) doesn’t help me with our son, spends less than 10 minutes a day with him and insults baby anytime he cries saying it’s time to man up or calling him a bitch boy. (edit: I do tell him he can’t speak like that and I will validate my sons feelings of pain) Our baby is 9 months old and is obviously going through big feels with teething.

When BF is around his friends or family with us he acts like he does all the work and spends all the time with our child and they believe him! If I try to say anything different like “you don’t help me at all” he shoots me a death glare and says ugly things to me.

It drives me up the wall because for 9 straight months it has been me getting up multiple times a night, me waking up early with the baby, changing all the diapers and feeding all the bottles.

From parenting groups I heard “oh he might just have PPD, it’s real in men” this is not it.

I don’t mind parenting alone, I like it a lot actually, I just don’t like that he’s taking all the credit when I can’t even tell you the last time he’s done anything with our baby.

I’m ready to leave him and take our child with. He would rather sleep in every weekend to noon, blow off work to hangout with friends, drink every Friday night, smoke weed every moment he’s home and watch Netflix uninterrupted from the moment he gets home at 5pm to the time he goes to bed 6:30. (His work schedule is 8-5 nothing crazy)

Anytime I bring up the fact I am not in love with him and want to leave him and just continue parenting on my own without his presence he starts yelling at me that he gave up his other daughters for me and our son. I never told him to sign away his rights to them, he had no interest in being in their lives after his ex left with the kids.

I don’t know what to do.

I want to leave with my child, and be done but he gets scary whenever I try, he’ll force me to have sex with him, puts the blame on me as to why he never spends time with our son or says he wishes he could stab me and watch me bleed out.

I have left twice before but he always manipulated me back in and I kick myself every day for ever falling for that shit twice.

I am not happy and I am not willing to settle. I am willing to lose my damage deposit, and my furniture and other items I have contributed too to get out.

My family and friends believe if I leave he won’t try to be involved with our son. My biggest fear is he’ll take me to court and get the majority of parenting time. I just want out. I’m not happy or in love anymore and I believe I can be a 1000% better parent to my son and provide 1000% better on my own without his “help”. How can I end this “relationship” completely while keeping myself and my son safe.

TLDR my baby daddy doesn’t help with baby but takes all the credit for the hard stuff and is abusive towards me, and guilts me into staying since it’s my fault he signed away his rights to his other kids. Help.

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 07:48AM by Uniqueforaname
My (22F) “partner” (24M) has no interest in helping me parent but takes the credit, won’t let me leave him. My (22F) “partner” (24M) has no interest in helping me parent but takes the credit, won’t let me leave him. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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