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Noticing my boyfriend tells a lot of (relatively innocent) white lies... what to do about it?

My boyfriend and I are both 27 and have been dating for almost 3 years. I’ve noticed it more recently, but maybe he has always done this and I just didn’t realize it. He will tell lots of little white lies that alone seem pretty harmless, but it’s starting to rub me the wrong way and question when he is telling the truth or not about other things. I also had a problem with my ex where he would lie to me constantly, which snowballed into big lies by the end of our relationship, and it’s just not something I really want to go through again.

I want to preface by saying I am not an overly nosy person; we both respect each other’s privacy and I don’t expect to know where he is 24/7 or anything like that. But he will tell me things that don’t really add up, or he kind of struggles to come up with an answer when I ask him where he was/what he was doing.

For example, this weekend he said he was going to the store to buy dish soap. He came back an hour later without anything and I asked where the dish soap was and he just shrugged and said he didn’t get any. There’s quite a few times he does this where he says he is going to the store, is gone for a chunk of time, then comes back without anything. Especially right now, we can’t really just go browsing around stores due to the virus, so I don’t really get what he is doing.

Or, the other day we drove past a part of the city that is the opposite direction from his work and he made some comment about driving past this the other day. I asked why he was even over here when he was working and he struggled to come up with a reason, and then in the end didn’t really give me one. These are just some examples, but things like this are a common occurrence lately. Even right now he is "at the pharmacy," but has been gone for over an hour and will likely come home empty handed.

He also sometimes lies about stories that have happened to him or friends he knows, but I know they are just stories he has read from reddit on TIFU or like relationship problems or something, because I’ve read the actual posts on there before. I’ve also noticed him exaggerate things to the point that it’s just a straight up lie when he’s telling stories to our friends, and he gets mad when I call him out on it.

Sometimes he comes home from work late and says it’s because he was driving a coworker home or doing a bit of overtime, but I’m starting to question whether this is true or not since he seems to have a hard time being very upfront with where is going. I’m not normally a nosy person, so I don’t think that he would be doing this because he feels like I invade his privacy. But I do admit that with his stories not adding up, it is making me more curious…

I guess I am just looking for advice what to do. Am I being paranoid or dramatic about something small? I feel stupid calling him out on one little thing, because if it was just once or twice I really wouldn’t care.

tldr; Boyfriend seems to struggle to be able to tell me where he is when he goes out, and it's starting to get on my nerves.

Submitted June 02, 2020 at 11:55AM by throwratest
Noticing my boyfriend tells a lot of (relatively innocent) white lies... what to do about it? Noticing my boyfriend tells a lot of (relatively innocent) white lies... what to do about it? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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