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One of My (14f) closest friends (15m) knows where I live and is angry and I’m scared he’s going to hurt me

I’ve know him for about 2 years now, and I only got close close with him recently. We went from only talking in the group chat to talking in regular text to us talking most of the day (but not of my doing). He’s begun to get angry if I don’t reply quickly or if I’m hanging out with someone else (including my boyfriend who’s his other best friend besides me. ). If I didn’t text him all day he certainly would text me all day, leaving sometimes up to 32 messages at a time. The past few days have been horrendous, I had a bad episode and almost attempted sucicide and he was there for it. He confessed he has been into me for a while and was waiting for me and my boyfriend to split apart to make a move as he didn’t want to do it himself. When I told him is never be into him like that and that I’m more than happy with my bf he begged me not to tell him and I felt bad so I said okay. He’s asked me to cuddle him- to which I said no heavily as 1 I have a boyfriend 2 I’m never gonna be comfortable cuddling him and 3 I’m not into him like that even if I was single. When he confessed I lied and said I liked him back in middle school so I could let him down gently. He’s turned a lot of our conversations sexual and I made me uncomfortable because I felt like if I didn’t shut it down immediately I’d be cheating (he’d talk about this girl he saw online or his kinks, not like sexual between us) or doing something wrong. Two nights ago he tried to force me to tell him about my sex life (not really sex, I’m too young, more so me and my bf messing around) and started to constantly talk about the attempt I had a few nights prior. When we started to get close I was going with my bf and his family to dinner for Valentine’s Day, I was so nervous as I have problems with eating in front of people. He calmed me down and said I shouldn’t be self Conscious because I was pretty and I thought It was sweet of him to say that. But recently he’ll randomly Send me texts about my body. I was in the shower and I got 20 texts of him describing how he liked my body and how I should too. I told my bf this and he wasn’t very happy. Besides this when we just started getting close He’d helped me to get more comfortable with eating in front of others, and he is very sweet and a great friend when he isn’t doing this. I finally broke and told my boyfriend all the creepy stuff he had been doing and he said he’d talk to him about it because he didn’t like it either.

My boyfriend talked to him twice last night and I don’t know what he said but he said he shouldn’t mess with me any more. I then got 26 texts from him ( the friend) about how I shouldn’t waste my time and how he understands I should hate him and all sorts of stuff. I told him I needed time to process and think and to not text me for a bit. He then texted me two long essays with how he felt at 2 am. I opened it but it was so much I got overwhelmed and didn’t read it. It’s now the morning after and I’ve gotten 15 calls and 33 texts in the last hour alone. I never told him where I lived, but he knows my address for some reason, and he’s said some violent stuff about beating people before and ripping them limb from limb and I scared if I don’t say something immediately or tell him it’s alright he’s gonna hurt me. I texted my bf about this but he’s busy at the moment and can’t respond.

TL;dr- I have a friend who has admitted to liking me, said sexual things to me, said sexual things about me, tried to get me to cuddle him, pried into my sex life, and more shit all while I have a boyfriend who is his best friend. He’s sweet when he isn’t like this. He has spammed my phone and called me and has said violent things about beating people to death before. He knows where I live and I didn’t tell him. I’m scared.

Edit: my boyfriend told him to stop 3 different times today. I muted his convo and was calling my bf and I went to go check my phone and saw I had 80 messages worth of threats and screaming and he began to call me again. My boyfriend is trying to still be civil but it’s not working. We both don’t know what to do. I’ve asked him again to stop and he won’t.

Submitted April 04, 2020 at 12:08PM by Meringuey
One of My (14f) closest friends (15m) knows where I live and is angry and I’m scared he’s going to hurt me One of My (14f) closest friends (15m) knows where I live and is angry and I’m scared he’s going to hurt me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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