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My girlfriend ( 22F) is not supporting my (25M) goals and puts me down constantly.

We've been together for two years and we've been living together for 7 months. The relationship was great when we were not living together, then it started getting complicated : she was in and out of jobs, often leaving me the sole income of the household etc... Ultimately she paid rent twice, in those 7 months. I could not see it coming as she had a full time,permanent, well paying job before we moved together then she decided to quit and the shitshow began.

She only started looking for jobs after I told her I was going to kick her out if she couldn't pay her share of the rent for March and then... corona. So she ended up having a good enough excuse to stay I guess.

So that's my first problem with the relationship. I have been wanting to leave my job to do freelance full time for months and for that I need her to pull her weight financially, which I made clear to her. She sees how unhappy I am in that job. Yet, she does nothing.

I also do social media as a side business as an "influencer" I guess : she absolutely hates that. She hates seeing me taking pictures, she hates when I interact with people, she says it's ridiculous, calls me an attention seeker all the time. I really like doing this and it helps me in my career ( I'm a creative in the fashion industry ) but no, she will NOT encourage me. I don't even want encouragement at this point I would be content with her staying silent and ignoring me when I do this :/ I honestly would like to know what bothers her so much about this social media thing because I don't get it. At all. Is it a jealousy thing because my following is mostly girls ?

I'm debating on breaking up right after the current situation clears up but since we still have to live together for now, how to handle this ? I feel so insecure and depressed now. I used to be pretty confident and always happy, I just want that back.

Tl;dr : Girlfriend offers 0 emotional,0 financial support, puts me down instead. Why ? How to deal for now ?

Submitted April 04, 2020 at 01:37PM by isthislossloll
My girlfriend ( 22F) is not supporting my (25M) goals and puts me down constantly. My girlfriend ( 22F) is not supporting my (25M) goals and puts me down constantly. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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