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I [18F] stood up for my friend [18F] and basically now I am the bad guy

I wasn't very sure if I should post this were, but as time passes by this is something that haunts my mind.To give some context my friends and I are basically 18, so pretty much still teenagers, and maybe it will kind of a storm in a glasse of water.

Our senior year began with a dinner to celebrate one of our best friends birthday, that was around that date, and to share what we have been up to lately, we had just came back from a break of 1-2 months, and must of us didn't keep particularity in constant touch.

One of my best friend couldn't make to the dinner and was going to show up after, and to my astonishment the dinner was all gossiping about her. In this break neither her or I talk often, because both of us prioritized friends from other cities so I had no idea what they were talking about, and from what i gather they were debating her personal life from over a 1 month.

Basically she met a boy, she got drunk and they had sex, honestly I just couldn't see why that should be the main topic of the dinner and I felt pretty bad about the whole situation, so I decided to text my friend with an heads up of what was happening. She was pretty sad and confessed to me that they were talking behind her back for a long time, and spread details about her intimate life, which was horrible because they were supose to be her close circle of friends (and mine).

So I took her side and confronted them, telling that I didn't think that it was right or fair that they were acting as if they were disgusted by it, specially scoulding one of my oldest friends that claimed that it was completly normal to masturbate every day (nothing against) but he said that he felt sick by the though of my friend having sex, it just seemed so hypocritical.

Of course my actions caused a big impact in my life, I don't regret it but at the end of the day, I was lalled as the bad guy, and even my friend that I defended puts me kind of aside, and she hangs out with this same people te humilated her, and were making schemes to bulling her in front of our entire class. I know that they don't see me as someone trustworthy, but man I was frontal about my position and I really don't think that making plans to humilat one of our friend is rightful.

I wonder if it something wrong with me, because this is not the first time that I am pushed aside by mine so called friends because of my principles, I don't know it just really hard to see how they interact with each others and how they treat me, and normally I am a quiet kid, when there are large groups because I don't normally have the same hobbies or agree with they behavior.

For instant, I really enjoy reading and some other "boring" stuff, and I had friends said that I have a boring life because I din't like to be involved in dramas, or when we go out I don't make out with someone or even because I didn't try out to be in a relationship with someone that I don't like, just for the sake of the experience (this last is because I feel that it is just cruel to the person that likes me, because I don't like them back and normally we don't even have a good friendship, so I always try to explain this, and for me I cann't bring myself to date someone I know nothing about and I have always called cold, or ice hearth for that)

I honestly don't know if it is just a problem in me, because even thought my friendships changed growing up that are always this kind of situations, and I just feel that there something wrong it me or in the way I socialize

Do you guys think that I made the right choice?

TL;DR! I had a dinner with a group of my close friends were talking behind the back of an mutual close friend, and when I stood up for her I was labelled was the bad guy, even from her.

Submitted April 01, 2020 at 01:55AM by Cpjota
I [18F] stood up for my friend [18F] and basically now I am the bad guy I [18F] stood up for my friend [18F] and basically now I am the bad guy Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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