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My (28M) bf just drunk called me to tell me (25f) his ex moved on too quick.

I've been dating my current bf for a year now. We have been long distance since the start of 2018. He recently went back to his home country and on the second day of his trip, went out for drinks with his friends. His ex showed up at the club with her current bf and since they haven't seen each other for more than a year, it made sense for the two of them to say hi to each other. One thing led to another and an argument started. My BF left the club feeling disappointed and too drunk of course. He gets to the house and calls me telling me how heart broken he is. As a good gf of course I ask what the issue is. Only to find out that his ex moved on too quick and her presence still hurts him. One year has gone to waste. Feeling really hurt. At this point I feel like breaking up with him is the only solution. You really can't be with someone who hasn't moved on. I really do love him very much but it's really hurts knowing that he still loves his ex. What do I do?

Tldr; My bf just called me to tell me his ex gf moved on too fast. Should I break up with him?

Submitted January 24, 2020 at 07:04PM by dent_1sxt
My (28M) bf just drunk called me to tell me (25f) his ex moved on too quick. My (28M) bf just drunk called me to tell me (25f) his ex moved on too quick. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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