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I had my girlfriend EPCed today

I had my girlfriend EPCed today.

I’ll start by explaining what EPC is For anyone that has no idea what EPC is, it’s Emergency Protective Custody .

My girlfriend and I have been together for little under a year. She’s been legally separated from her husband for over 3 years. Well earlier this week her estranged spouse passed with a heart attack. We have both her children from that relationship. Ages 19 and 13. I know she’s grieving for her loss. Who wouldn’t. Unfortunately she’s also been very depressed and it’s getting bad. Well got bad. She took some pills last night I could tell. Her speech started slurring and she wasn’t able to stand properly. Un aware of what she took I kept a close eye on her all night. Well this morning it got worse and she locked herself in the bathroom saying she didn’t want to live anymore and that no one cares about her feeling. She took 3 bottles of pills into the bathroom. I can name two but I don’t know what the third one is she had access to Ativan and soma ( could be spelled wrong). After locking the door she refused to talk to me. I love her dearly and tried to coach her out of the bathroom to no end.

However I was unsuccessful. I asked to to give me the pills. She stated she didn’t have them. I went back by the bed to check where the pills were and they were gone. I went back to the locked door and I asked again for her to come out. What she was doing isn’t the answer. She refused. I told her if she didn’t come out I’d call the cops. That’s when I heard the pill bottles opening. So I Immediately called the local police. She then came out and locked herself in our bedroom. The police arrived and she was anything but Cooperative with them.

She made them breach the door. I gave them the keys to our door to unlock it but she sat in front of the door. Well eventually they pushed their way into the room and she became slightly combative with the police. I feel so bad for how all this played out. I wish it hadn’t got to this extent. Now she’s being held for a minimum of 72hrs. I’m so emotional right now I know in my heart I did the right thing. She’s so mad at me and told me I ruined her life. I refuse to watch someone I love and care about commit suicide. I lost my own father at a young age to suicide. I don’t know how I’d react with another person in my life doing the same. I just need to get this off my chest because even though I know I did the right thing she made me feel real bad for what I did. Thank for reading sorry for the formatting. Mobil and I’m in tears and not really in the mood to make a proper paragraph or proper grammar.

TL:DR I called the cops on my girlfriend and now I feel alone and lost.

Submitted January 24, 2020 at 05:18PM by trash1122334455
I had my girlfriend EPCed today I had my girlfriend EPCed today Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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