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Update! My boyfriend of 4 years called me boring and many other problems, an update 2 years on.

Original post here

So my original post is years old now and I wouldn't say it was that popular but I was looking at my post history and can't believe I posted that, it seems like a lifetime ago.

TL;DR of original post, my bf was a man child who hardly worked and expected me to cook for him, drive him around and stay awake to watch his endlessly boring life from the sidelines. I refused to accept the fact I needed to grow up and leave him.

I was completely oblivious to all the problems in our relationship and I refused to leave Tom even though it was very clearly the right thing to do. I broke up with him maybe 6 months after I posted but we got back together even though I was moving to another country to teach English for a few months. While I was away he hardly ever spoke to me, never asked me how I was and grew increasingly disrespectful to me. I came back home early because I felt bad leaving him for so long.

We had plans to move overseas together but he was getting cold feet saying he didn't want to leave his best friend. I broke up with him again and decided to move overseas by myself. It was terrifying to be alone after being with Tom for so long but it was 100% the right decision. Turns out he had started sleeping with his best friend while I was overseas teaching English. Also turns out I'm a lesbian, so there's that.

Tom still lives at my dad's place and works the same job, I've just bought my first flat and I'm having a wonderful time living overseas and being truly independent. I have grown so much in the last few years and done things I could never imagine doing while I was stuck in a dead end relationship. I know now that being alone is so much better than being with someone who doesn't love you.

TL;DR I was in a terrible relationship with a guy that took advantage of me and was never willing to grow up, I was terrified of being by myself but it was the best decision I could've made for myself!

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 02:46AM by Conversation162020
Update! My boyfriend of 4 years called me boring and many other problems, an update 2 years on. Update! My boyfriend of 4 years called me boring and many other problems, an update 2 years on. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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