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My (25F) Beagle just found my partners (32M) Strip Club receipts. How to react?

I've woken up to the sound of our Beagle chewing on a total of £280 worth of receipts to a strip club and my partner still shit fucked snoring on the sofa.

He went out last night for the first time with his boss and 1 colleague. I have made my feelings clear earlier on in the year when we had an open discussion about an upcoming stag do; that I am not comfortable whatsoever with him paying for private ANYTHING, however I understand that he will likely go to a club on tne stag but would like to be made aware if so - no secrets. My feelings were clear and I felt happy he respected them.

There are a lot of receipts for £10-£15 or so, however a lot of them are exactly £40. This does not seem to me that this is a regular round for 3.

We had the usual chit chat when he crawled in at 3am, asked how his night was and tucked him in. He'll be waking up in a few hours to view a potential first house purchase together - I will absolutely be approaching him but torn how to act.

I an devastated with an extremely sad knot in my stomach - we have had an extremely happy and open 4 years together with our 2 dogs. My gut is saying to abandon ship as it's a clear line crossed for me but I'm unsure if this is an emotional overreaction. Would this be insane to end a relationship over?

TL;DR boyfriend hid a strip club visit knowing my feelings towards it. Am I overreacting?

Side note: £280 is a LOT of money to us right now. We've moved to a new county to follow a new job for him 6 months ago and are only now getting back on our feet financially. The fact he spunked this much in our situation makes me want to throat punch him.

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 09:07PM by pknuts
My (25F) Beagle just found my partners (32M) Strip Club receipts. How to react? My (25F) Beagle just found my partners (32M) Strip Club receipts. How to react? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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