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Am I [36M] justified in being angry that my partner gave their [35F] entire Christmas bonus away without any discussion?

We're a recently married couple and this was no means an Earth-shattering fight, but I'm a bit frustrated that my wife can't see my perspective here.

I work full-time, she works very part-time and is in school. We have a joint account and I take care of the bills and the budget, but we touch base regularly before big purchases. Very rarely have I ever said no to her, unless the purchase was completely unfeasible at the moment. I check in with her before making any personal purchases over about $50, and she usually does the same... not because of control, but because things are very tight with her in school...

This week both of us received Christmas bonuses. Mine was cash that immediately went to fixing her car, and she got a $250 Visa gift card.

She was at a work event and felt bad / sorry for a teacher there who was struggling with buying her kids gifts (their list was like: airpods and video games)... So, she runs out to her car and just forks over the $250 card.

Note: we already sponsored a neighborhood family for Christmas, so it's not like we're not charitable people. Anyways, my partner is highly offended that I'm a bit upset that she gave 'her bonus' to a charitable cause.

Am I justified in being a bit angry that I want at least consulted in this decision?

TLDR: Broke-ass couple arguing because the wife gave her Christmas bonus away without talking it out first.

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 07:22PM by Rev_DC
Am I [36M] justified in being angry that my partner gave their [35F] entire Christmas bonus away without any discussion? Am I [36M] justified in being angry that my partner gave their [35F] entire Christmas bonus away without any discussion? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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