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Roommate/home owner (28 M) has started treating me ( 24 M ) like a child. Limited options, not sure what to do.

So I live with homeowner/roomate (28 M) and another guy (28 M). I moved in about a year ago out of college. To give some background all of us good jobs and are doing well financially. You will see why that’s relevant later.

When I first moved in I could tell the homeowner/roommate was anal and a neat freak. I honestly wasn’t that concerned because I’m pretty clean and am basically only home from 9 pm until 5:30 AM to sleep. The rent was cheap for the area so I didn’t mind.

He would say stuff at first but it wasn’t that bad. I respected his house and followed the rules. Things started to get weird though when he began turning off the hot water to save money on the heating bill. The other roommate at the time was from another country and I think he somehow thought we wouldn’t notice. So we started turning it back to heat on and he would try to sneak it back down progressively. I honest to god heard him talk about this with his brother on the phone. He said it was a “technique” he used to save heating expenses.

He then blocked off the fireplace with duck tape and plastic bags to save heating as well. When I came home, this is no joke, he could hardly hold his excitement in telling me we were going to save 100 bucks for the whole year. You would have thought this dude just opened up his Christmas gifts from fucking Santa Claus, that’s how hard he was trying to hold his excitement in. I didn’t know how bad it was until I saw this.

I honestly didn’t mind that much because I was hardly home (work, Gym, studying for masters) and he would just chill. It all started when he began seeing this girl. He has never had a gf before and I think he really liked her. To be honest I knew it wasn’t going to pan out for him. The guy hasn’t bought cloths since high school and I even told him to buy new clothes. Which he did (thank god). He would wear his high school football stuff around her at 28.

She did eventually break it off with him and he kind of went crazy.

It’s been getting progressively worse and I’m not sure what to do. He went from being anal to be mega anal Superman. My roommate and I can’t even cook our food now until he is asleep. Whenever I am cooking he will “supervise” what I’m doing and call me out on the tiniest thing. If I accidentally spill something he will get pissed and say wtf!? I shit you not he will walk into the kitchen and stare at me....literally stare at me for a minute to make sure I’m doing everything up to his standards. It’s very weird and he is almost like an abusive father who try’s to find shit to yell at his kids for ( which I had ). He has been finding stuff to yell at me about for the last week on a daily basis.

One I’m not ever at the house, I go to the gym at 5:30 am then to work then study until 9:00 pm. I go home to shower, cook and eat. I don’t know what else to do at this point. Things are getting bad and I snapped on him today. The thing is this guy doesn’t back off, he will come back harder because it’s his house (his way or the highway). He yelled at me yesterday for throwing a broken plate that had food on it in the dumpster...... because he didn’t want the food to muster. I shit you not, he cussed at me for this. WHERE THE FUCK ELSE DO I PUT IT. He wanted me to put it in the normal trash bin. I said fine man, you want shards of fucking glass sticking out of the bag that’s your call. Don’t cry to me when the bag rips or you cut yourself. He does shit like this to me everyday now. He yelled at this weekend for stabbing a half/frozen burrito with a fork because it ruin the fork. I hate being here and feel very uncomfortable in this house. It’s quite evident he wants people living there without actually living there. Basically live there but don’t let him notice you living there. Just give him money and that’s it.

I would for sure move out but I’m in the process of interviewing and don’t know where I’m going to end up. It’s possible I will stay in my current location. Do you think I should just move out for a month or two? Rent is about 200 dollars higher usually and the security deposit is twice as much. It would cost be over 2 grand just to move into a new place. I’m afraid talking to him will just make it worse. I have honestly tried just being friendly and nice but he won’t stop.

TD;LR roommate is super anal after failed attempt at relationship. Has started yelling at me for the most trivial things on a almost daily basis. Example, he supervises my roommate and I when we cook to sternly tell us not to spill things. We make a tiny mess because we are fucking cooking but we always clean it up. Things are getting bad but can’t move out yet. Not sure what to do.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 08:49PM by throwawayy72727272
Roommate/home owner (28 M) has started treating me ( 24 M ) like a child. Limited options, not sure what to do. Roommate/home owner (28 M) has started treating me ( 24 M ) like a child. Limited options, not sure what to do. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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