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Boyfriend [25M] is upset because I [21F] let him sleep with me

We're both christian, early 20's. We met at a church-thing about a year back. I grew up with it and have had some back-and-forth, he decided on his own as an adult.

He has been clear on waiting till marriage since the first time it came up, though he only feels that way about PIV-sex. I have felt differently, as I believe that if other stuff is fine, why is that one thing different, in this modern age of easily available contraception? (To become one=babies, no?)

Scripture is not making anything clearer when read in the context of the full chapters and considering the ways one could translate the original greek, but I try to respect his wishes. That is what he believes and wants, and that is okay. His body, his decision.

We did however slip up and do the thing. It was wonderful. We talked about it after, I felt weirder about it than him, he says no worries, god forgives, but let's not do it again.

After three occurences of doing it again and a pregnancy scare I decide we get some condoms, as I believe it's better to take precautions if we can't keep our filthy paws off eachother anyway. This leads to several more doing-it's in a rather short time.

After a while boyfriend gets upset. He feels that I am letting him, or making him, sleep with me and that I should be stopping him. The condoms are like me saying "go ahead" instead of me helping in the effort of us waiting.

Am I doing a crappy job at respecting my boyfriends convictions? Should I just get on the pill behind his back? Would that be any better, or just ten times worse?


TL;DR: Boyfriend wants to wait until marriage, I have aggreed. There has however been slipups, and I put down foot and bought condoms, this lead to more frequent slipups. Boyfriend is now hurt about lack of support in the waiting-decision.


EDIT: - Just a clarification. My boyfriend was not angry or right out blaming me, and he was perfectly sweet about our slipups. He acknowledges that it only happened because we both let it, and takes his share of responsibility. However, he felt like, in a way, the condoms were me enabling it. Thus he was hurt at me not supporting his wishes. I get that.

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 02:37AM by Nelmung
Boyfriend [25M] is upset because I [21F] let him sleep with me Boyfriend [25M] is upset because I [21F] let him sleep with me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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