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My (29F) family sometimes hints and/or says something whenever I make my husbands (36M) breakfast/lunch/dinner plate.

As the title says, my (29F) family sometimes hints and/or says something whenever I make my husbands (36M) breakfast/lunch/dinner plate. So my husband makes pretty most of the income between the 2 of us. I help him with 2 of his businesses but not 100% of it because there are some things I just don’t know. I’m a pro soccer player so I don’t make much, if any money but he supports my dreams and knows after soccer I have aspirations to start my own businesses. With this said, my husband and I made certain deals with each other, because he is super busy most of the day especially getting his second business up and running in the beginning stages, I support him 100%. So we made a deal that I would clean house and make the food, whether it’s cooking or going out to eat, while he is working most of the day. My training and gym time doesn’t take up the whole day. So all of this works out for both of us. No worries in our own home. Now, we’re waiting for my next move to play overseas, so all the while we are living at my parents house (because we moved out of our other place because is soccer), so whenever they see my husband on the computer working or taking phone calls and they see me cooking food and bringing it to him, sometimes I get remarks like “can’t he make his own food”, “why doesn’t he help you cook”, “why can’t he make his plate” or just certain remarks along those lines, or sometimes I get looks. Every time I explain to my mom he’s working and I’m cooking, I don’t see the big deal. My husband and I support each other 100% in anything we do, but it seems like my parents (more my mom, because she’s outspoken), is just so opinionated about it and she thinks I’ve lost my independence and I literally tell her ever time that I’m living my dream and after I will be working towards opening my business. We will soon be leaving to another country and we are yearning to have our own place again. I love my parents but sometimes not everyone needs to see how you live your life. Maybe I’m just venting but it makes me feel weird and I try to stay true to myself but man. Parents.

TL;DR: my parents say something mostly every time I make my husbands food/bring him a plate, how do I respond to my parents that this isn’t a big deal, even though I say it over and over again?

Submitted May 27, 2019 at 08:29PM by shmorgashboard
My (29F) family sometimes hints and/or says something whenever I make my husbands (36M) breakfast/lunch/dinner plate. My (29F) family sometimes hints and/or says something whenever I make my husbands (36M) breakfast/lunch/dinner plate. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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