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my[29M] wife[31f] judges my family background increasingly and im finding it offensive. am i being too sensitive?

We are from different cultures which makes it more complicated too. I live in her country.

So more and more these days, she seems to cast judgements on my family and background. Im from the UK and grew up working class, in a respectable family. My wife grew up about middle class in her country.

In my family only my youngest sister finished university, where as I and my siblings either did not attend and got different jobs, or in my case, dropped out and pursed a different career. Definitely my upbringing had some influence. my parents never went to university, and had no idea how to guide us for career and had a typical working class mindset of just supporting the kids and letting them explore and figuring it out, never policing much or helping much with school other than ensuring attendance etc.

My wife's family all went to their local universities. she went overseas. she is incredibly proud of her family background and sometimes seems kinda classist.

She's asked to see where i grew up to see if it was "a shit hole" before, when in reality she has no way to judge the UK anyway. if I sometimes bring a small snack into a bedroom or living room she gets upset and asks me if my family do this etc, which obviously is her trying to judge them as low class or something. She heavily questions my parents and such because my younger sister dates a postman and they have no objections. I almost feel like i dont even want to take her to their home as shes going to judge everything, even though at this point im kinda starting to not care i still feel a little insulted if that is what is going on.

Additionally, any time i explain something that is likely a cultural difference, she questions me a lot and says "are you sure??" and "are you sure its not just your family?" and "im pretty sure wealthy people everywhere...."(her family aren't even wealthy, just enough) etc. to me as someone form the UK it is extra strange to hear this as it is considered so crass to talk in such a way it'd make even the king blush.

The thing is she has a remarkably average middle upbringing. i dont see why she would be so classist, it wont gain her anything.

TLDR; I suspect my wife may be classist but its confusing due to both coming from different cultures, and im not sure if i am just being sensitive as it has previously been a sore point in my life when i was younger. Do you think this is acceptable within this type of relationship or something bad?

Submitted December 04, 2022 at 07:30PM by Acerhand
my[29M] wife[31f] judges my family background increasingly and im finding it offensive. am i being too sensitive? my[29M] wife[31f] judges my family background increasingly and im finding it offensive. am i being too sensitive? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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