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I (19m) would like to meet my teacher (33f) for a coffee because I miss her, should I send her this letter?

Gonna use a throwaway.

I finished high school a few months ago and I've realized I really miss my teacher. She basically was everyone's favourite teacher, not just mine, she was/is strict enough to make you study, but she was very compassionate and willing to help.. and she was so damn charismatic. She was very respected and loved even by the ''bullies'' and the annoying loud kids who wouldn't take anyone seriously. And oh, she's incredibly charming, she sorta looks like a nerdy version T.Swift lol (she wears glasses)

While she had a good relationship with most of the students, she was definitely closer to me than she was to the other students.

I had many family issues over the years, she was always the one trying to talk to me in private, she hugged me multiple times and she used to give me a sort of... special attention? Nothing crazy, but for example, when I was in a good mood or doing well in school despite my family issues, she would look at me and hint a smile and she would act proud.

I really miss her, she was some kind of a second mom to me during high school and as soon as I finished high school I thought to myself ''oh damn I'm not gonna see her anymore''

I'd like to send her this letter. I have never written a letter in my life, it may sound silly lol: '' I spent 5 amazing years with you. Despite my family issues during high school, I already have nostalgia for high school because I miss my classmates and all the fun things that happen during high school yeah, but most importantly, I miss your classes. Even though my family issues made me perform poorly many times, there literally was never a moment that I was scared of you and even my classmates used to feel the same, you're strict but compassionate and willing to listen. I liked all the help you gave me during high school, you kind of were a second mom to me. I'd like to meet you for a coffee because I'd like to keep in touch. As soon as high school was over, I realized that I miss you. I don't think you've deleted my number, but this is my number again if you need it''

Do you think it's a nice letter? I'm really not sure whether I should send it or not... a part of me is afraid she was just being professional and that she may think ''what does this kid want, I was just doing my job''. I know that's not what she'd think, but I don't know if I should do this.

TL;DR I miss my teacher, I'd like to send her a letter and ask her to meet for a coffee. Not sure whether I should send the letter or not

Submitted December 13, 2022 at 11:18PM by ReindeerCommercial69
I (19m) would like to meet my teacher (33f) for a coffee because I miss her, should I send her this letter? I (19m) would like to meet my teacher (33f) for a coffee because I miss her, should I send her this letter? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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