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My [29 F] sister [26 F] has bullied me my entire life, she finally broke me and I think I need to leave my family

My younger sister has resented me my entire life. She has to my face stated she is prettier, funnier, more intelligent and athletic than me. She has never been one to ask for help or advice and has always played the victim card.

I love my sister and we have the same sense of humour which is one of the only things that bonds us. I have always wanted a relationship with her but she always has pushed me away. She always has a way of putting me down, for instance I have a good job in healthcare and did a short program and she bothered me for a year asking what I earned. I finally caved and told her my income, she acted so insulted and said I didn’t deserve it and continued to belittle me.

It’s honestly outrageous and kind of comical some of the things she says but also heartbreaking. My parents think she is a narcissist but otherwise insist on staying out of our matters. It’s hard because she has always put me down and even as a child they let her, “it takes two” they always said. She also sucks up to them a lot and gets to see them more than me as I live quite far away.

I finally feel like I have to remove myself from my sisters life completely. Recently she had a house party and berated me in front of everyone. I went a long way to attend and was tired and she asked me to help do something to prepare for the party and I told her friends I was exhausted from the trip so they said they had it covered but apparently they didn’t and she blamed it on me.

It was humiliating and cruel. She threw a tantrum and then stormed out and then did it again and made me cry. It was at this moment that I realized she looked pleased with herself when I cried. It made me feel sick. She then tried to play the nice guy and said I just let her down but she forgave me. I didn’t want to make a bigger scene so I left and as I did she gave me the nastiest look that I left early.

Since that incident she messaged me once about a family thing and was all cheery like nothing happened. My parents always say nice things about her and say I need to sort things with her and don’t even know what happened. It’s hard because it’s like they think I’m overreacting and I’m the difficult one or something. I recently found out some of my other more distant relatives have noticed her behaviour with me and have always felt bad for me.

So I’m not sure what to do. Also my sister is in the LGTBQ community and acts like if anyone has an issue with her it’s because they are homophobic or something. She always deflects and is never accountable. I think it’s funny how her and her friends act like they are all about caring and equality but then I got bullied at her party and no one stood up for me or checked in on me, just judged like a bunch of hypocrites.

I need advice on how to approach this. I expect her to retaliate and make efforts to pin people against me. She has anger issues and it’s hard because she take’s everything out on me or my parents, especially when others let her down. I can’t let her push me down anymore and if I need to distance from my parents then I guess I may have to. Thanks for the help!!

TL;DR: my sister has always resented and bullied me and I need to stand up for myself but I don’t know how, advice appreciated

Submitted September 05, 2022 at 10:57PM by bahahiya
My [29 F] sister [26 F] has bullied me my entire life, she finally broke me and I think I need to leave my family My [29 F] sister [26 F] has bullied me my entire life, she finally broke me and I think I need to leave my family Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 06, 2022 Rating: 5

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