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I'm (22) afraid to date the black girl (22) that likes me, because my parents are insanely racist. Currently thinking if i should I tell her the truth about my parents or not

Me and this sweet, incredible girl meet not too long ago in our summer college classes - it's been a month now. We've sat together in class since day one, helped each other out on with assignments/homework and have gone out to lunch in afternoons before our next classes start. We've gotten to know each other very well, we got pretty comfortable with each other quickly. She's absolutely amazing, really nice, funny and I'm insanely happy with her everytime we're together. It's gotten to point where she's now kissing me on the cheek everytime she says goodbye, hugging me - it's practically gone away from the friendship type of relationship.

She's recently told me she has feelings for me, and I too told her I have feelings for her. We really care for each other, and have connected with each other in ways we never have we other people. I wasn't thinking and I asked her out on a date this weekend, and she of course said yes.

Now, I'm worried - no, I'm afraid. My parents are absolute total racists, not just to blacks but to latinos, asians and pretty much anyone that doesn't look white. I'll give you an example, my dad actually fought hard to get rid of his new partner at work just because he was Latino. That's it, just because he was Latino. Heard that my dad told him he didn't want this guy speaking "mexican bullshit" in front of him, and the poor guy complained so much but nothing was done. But when my dad complained about wanted to get rid of him, the poor guy was immediately removed. That's what I have to deal with, racist parents.

I care about this girl, she's incredible - but I'm scared now, I'm worried on how they'll react or if they'll say something offense to her. I'm debating if I should talk to her about my parents, but I'm afraid I'm going to lose her if I tell her. But If I don't tell her, I'm risking it and it could be worse in the future. What sucks is that I live with my parents, which makes everything worse.

I'm absolutely more than willing to protect this girl from the racism of my family, even if it means cutting contact with my own family. I would never want to put this girl in any harm, no matter what it is. I care about her very much, and I'm willing to do what is right to make this relationship work. She doesn't deserve the horrible things my parents will say. I'm currently in the process of saving up as much money as I can for my own place, because I got to get away from my parents as quickly as possible.

So yeah, that's my current situation. I have a date this weekend with an amazing girl, that my own parents will probably attack just because of the color of her skin. I'm just panicking a bit right now, I have no idea how to progress forward.

Tl;DR: I'm afraid to date black girl that likes me, because my parents are insanely racist

Submitted July 04, 2022 at 11:54PM by JoeMamaThePowerPuff
I'm (22) afraid to date the black girl (22) that likes me, because my parents are insanely racist. Currently thinking if i should I tell her the truth about my parents or not I'm (22) afraid to date the black girl (22) that likes me, because my parents are insanely racist. Currently thinking if i should I tell her the truth about my parents or not Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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