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My (24m) dog (7m) and my GF (21f)

I've had my dog, let's call him Sammy, for like 7 years now and we've always been really close. He's been with me through getting kicked out, the death of my father, my move to Minneapolis, the great recession (gas, grocery, lumber prices)...been with me through my forays into different careers, from carpentry to Chik Fil A...been with me through every tear and every smile, every milestone of my adult life, and through the last 3 Kendrick albums.

Recently I started dating this girl, let's call her Patricia. She's a great girl, maybe my future wife. At first i was nervous to introduce them because Sammy is usually stand-offish and sometimes even aggressive towards strangers (he's a sheepdog). Before Patricia, Sammy was the person I spent the most time with. Thankfully, they got along great, and I was relieved. But recently I've been noticing that he seems closer with Patricia than he does with me...I think maybe hes more comfortable with her feminine presence. He's never been around females growing up. At first I was kinda jealous of Patricia, since I've been so close to Sammy throughout my life, but now I'm even starting to resent Sammy.

I know I shouldn't feel threatened by their dynamic and I'm glad they're getting along, so I tried to ignore the feeling I got when I saw them together without me. I know I have a tendency to read into things because of my (clinically diagnosed) chronic anxiety and depression. But earlier this week when Patricia wasn't responding to my texts, i came home to see her and Sammy cuddled up watching Fight Club, which she said she was going to watch with me. She had never seen it before, and I was excited to introduce her to my favorite movie, Fight Club.

I know what you guys are gonna say, just communicate with her! But i did. I confronted her about the Fight Club incident, and she told me I was being ridiculous, I have no need to feel threatened by a dog. Of course logically I know this is true, but the way I saw them together made me illogical.

Really what is concerning me is that Sammy has been avoiding eye contact with me for almost this entire week, and won't accept food or walks from me anymore. He insists on going with Patricia...who I feel like ive been drifting apart from since I introduced them, and even more so now that I've brought up my concern. I don't feel like i can talk to any of my friends about this, they wouldn't understand (don't have dogs, or any type of anxiety problems). I'm not exactly sure what to do about this, but I can't ignore my feelings, can I?

TL;DR: Girlfriend and dog are closer to each other than they are to me, what do?

Any constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks fellas.

Submitted July 30, 2022 at 08:57PM by BigFuckingHog
My (24m) dog (7m) and my GF (21f) My (24m) dog (7m) and my GF (21f) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2022 Rating: 5

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