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I found this story my fiance (30sF and M) wrote about us. Do I tell him? Do I not?

Before I met Kit (30m), he was in relationship with someone who was abusive to him. He hasn’t seen her since he left six years ago. He is seeing a therapist and sometimes talks about his life back then, if he can. The mental scars are still there. I support him as best as I can do. He has his bad days and I'm determined to be there for him no matter what. We've been together for three years.

Kit took up writing during lockdown. I know his therapist suggested he keep a journal at the beginning of their sessions, but he didn't really get more into it until 2020. Then it branched out into short stories and sometimes he'd let me or his friends read them. I'm not into sci-fi (to give you an idea, Kit is a huge Battlestar Galactica and Expanse fan and the stuff he writes is more up that route) but I really enjoy them regardless.

I was tidying up our shared workspace when I came across one of his notebooks. I know I shouldn't have done this, but I thought it was one of the ones he uses for his stories. And I wanted to be sure so I could put it away with the others.

It was Kit's handwriting, but it wasn't the stuff he usually writes. He wrote this fairy tale, based on Sleeping Beauty. It was about a prince who is cursed by an evil witch who wanted to keep him for herself. He is abandoned when her "true love's kiss" wouldn't revive him. In the end, it's another woman, his knight in shining armor, who saves him.

Guys, I know that knight in the story is me. How many black lady knights do you even find in fiction? Especially when it's a story you know your fiance wrote?

This is a really well written story, I'm not going to lie. I know this is something Kit poured his heart into. I just don't know if I should bring this up with him. I need advice. I don't know if I should forget this even happened and wait until Kit brings it up? Or I ask if he's written anything new he'd like to share? Or even, "hey, I think I found something of yours but it wasn't the sci-fi stuff you usually like to write about. Did you decide to branch out?"

I just want to know what I should do next? Do I bring it up? Should I forget it even existed? I want to tell Kit that I found it, that I think it is a great story and he is a good writer. This is something that didn't creep me out at all. But I guess this is his way of processing what he went through.

Any thoughts?

TL:DR; My fiance took up writing during the pandemic. He was in an abusive relationship before we met. I found a story he wrote in which I am his "knight in shining armor". I just want some advice on how to move forward because I have no idea. I'm flattered but I don't want to trigger him.

Submitted July 22, 2022 at 01:37AM by ThrowRAFoundStory
I found this story my fiance (30sF and M) wrote about us. Do I tell him? Do I not? I found this story my fiance (30sF and M) wrote about us. Do I tell him? Do I not? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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