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My ex wants to stay friends after she fucked up what we had

My ex (20F) and I (21M) ended things in April due to her needing space to work on her mental health. We where together for a year and had been arguing more often but I assumed it was due to coming out of the honeymoon stage. 3 weeks after we broke up she told me she wanted to fix things and still had feelings for me.

By June we where back to normal to the point where she was about to go on holiday and asked to see me before she did. We couldn’t because I caught covid but while she was away she constantly told me she missed me and couldn’t wait to get back to see me. When she returned home her cousin came back with her to visit family so I didn’t ask her to meet up but did tell her that I couldn’t wait to hang out with her when her cousin returned home as she was mostly doing things with family.

I did however invite her over for my birthday and invited her cousin. I had an exam the next day so it was my brother and I playing some pool as I couldn’t drink and told her that it would be the perfect opportunity for her to meet my brother as it would be a causal situation and he isn’t old enough for us to invite him out to a bar for her to meet him then. I did have plans for later in the week and told her if she couldn’t make it I understood but she came.

The night went well and we had fun. She got to know my brother and when she returned home told me she had fun and that she was still in love with me. She had already told me when she wished me happy birthday that she loved me still but it was the second time that gave me more hope things where going well.

Now for the part where she fucked any possibility of us working out. She had a friend when we where together who she met in February, the friend within 2 weeks admitted she liked my ex and when my ex started to spend all her free time with her I felt really pushed aside when I brought this up I got told I was overly jealous of her having a new friend.

Two nights ago she told me she slept with her while we where trying to fix things a week after my birthday. I was pissed off as she had told me she had a one night stand with a stranger and while that hurt it hurt 100x more knowing it was with the person she told me she had no feelings for at all.

I told her she fucked us up and she apologised and I told her if she had told me right away I could’ve at least forgiven her but her lying was worse than anything.

I told her I still had feelings for her and if she still wanted to fix things she’d have to block this friend and she told me just to block her. I told her to block me as I don’t trust not to unblock her if I’m drunk one night as I do still love her even though I hate her at the moment. She didn’t cheat but the lying about who it was with and the fact it happened multiple times make things worse.

When I told her to block me she sent a paragraph saying she’s sorry for fucking us up and that she does this with everything relationship and needs time to sort stuff out and it hurts her as she really wants to be with me. She said I know it hurts but I still want to be your friend which I found funny.

I want to tell her she ended the relationship the minute things got difficult instead of talking about it and that if we had spoken about it we most likely wouldn’t have broken up. I also want to tell her I can’t be her friend as last time we agreed to just be friends a few days later she started sexting me.

TLDR - my ex fucked the person she told me not to worry about while leading me on about us getting back together. She lied about it being a stranger and a one time thing when it happened multiple times. I told her to block me as I don’t trust myself not to unblock her while drunk and she admitted she didn’t want to as she wanted to stay friends.

Any advice would be great!

Submitted July 24, 2022 at 04:43PM by Spood3rm4n
My ex wants to stay friends after she fucked up what we had My ex wants to stay friends after she fucked up what we had Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 25, 2022 Rating: 5

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