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My intelectually disabled sister sort of attacked me today and it triggered my PTSD

I (22f) have an intelectually disabled sister (26f), N. I love her, i really do, but today she did something that just shook me.

We are on a month long family vacation with about 10 of my closest relatives in an isolated beach house. It ends in four days but i think we're all tired of living with each other for so long. I feel like my sister is feeling cabin fever or something like it because her behavior hasn't been normal.

She's usually sweet, but sometimes she can get EXTREMELY verbally nasty. Shes never outright violent though until yesterday when these episodes started.

Yesterday we were watching a reality show with our other sister and N was talking about something when our sister asked her to quiet down. N immediately flew off the fucking handle, yelling that we should shut up. She also slapped our sister's thigh hard before going to bed. We all looked at each other thinking "wtf was that" and later our sister went after N but she was asleep.

Well today i went into our shared bedroom in the beach house and noticed her phone was already charged, so i unplugged it and put my earphones in. When she arrived into the room she FREAKED THE FUCK OUT when she saw her phone was unplugged and i tried to tell her it was charged but she was having none of it.

She threw my earphones in the ground and ngl, i was pissed. She was sitting in the bed so i told her to get up so i could get it (it went under the bed), but she put her finger in my face and kept yelling at me to shut up. I told her to quiet down because there are kids and toddlers asleep in the next room but she was out of her mind with anger.

She yelled i should sleep on the mattress on the floor because the bed was hers (we have a system where she sleeps on the bed in one day and i sleep in it in the next, and today was my day in the bed). Once again i told her to quiet down.

Thats when she came toward me. She climbed in the bed with her arms and i thought she was going to either hit or choke me like she has done in the past but she instead pushed me out of the bed. I was very stunned because at that moment i flashbacked to when she choked me in the past over an extremely stupid reason when we were children (guess i never got over that one and i do have ptsd because of other reasons). I dont remember what happened next because i was freaking out but when i came to she was out of the room.

I told my parents all about it, including my freakout, but idk if they did anything. They usually don't do much concerning her, but after this they took her matress into their own room.

My other siblings told me later she came downstairs yelling about how she "couldn't take this anymore". Something is clearly wrong with her behavior and idk what it is. What should i do? Honestly i want to avoid her but i cant in this house.

TL;DR my intelectually disabled sister got extremely pissed off for no reason twice already and reacted violently both times during a family vacation

Submitted February 08, 2022 at 07:07PM by lalalameanslove
My intelectually disabled sister sort of attacked me today and it triggered my PTSD My intelectually disabled sister sort of attacked me today and it triggered my PTSD Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 09, 2022 Rating: 5

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