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My boyfriend (22M) broke up with me (22F) due to several reasons, and now we are good friends. But the problem is that I still love him.

My boyfriend broke up with me after 2.5 years of our relationship and I totally understand why he did that, I was at fault to many extent. After the break up we started talking casually and now we talk to each other almost all the time, share everything, have sex, or basically everything that a couple does. Despite this we are not in a relationship, I am so in love with him and I have conveyed my feelings to him, he says he is 100% sure that he doesn't want to be in a relationship seeing our past but being in a non-committed relationship hurts me a lot sometimes. I miss our old days and regret making all the big/small mistakes I made. I can't stop talking to him because if I do so then I feel terrible to a sense that I can't even explain, I know feeling this way about someone is not right but I can't control on how I feel. I thought that if things go like the way it is going we might get back together but he will be moving to United Kingdom for studies for 1 year (we are from India) in 8 months, I have no idea how am I gonna deal with this whole thing. He is an integral part of my life, he is not just my love but my friend, my rock, my happiness, my half of the world.

TL;DR:- I am very confused about how to deal with this situation, me and and ex- boyfriend have a very complicated history, we were perfect together but due to some misunderstandings and few of my faults he broke up with me and now that we have started talking, my feelings are getting stronger towards him. I don't want to loose the connection that we have but I can't see him with someone else too.

Submitted February 02, 2022 at 10:56AM by amisha1305
My boyfriend (22M) broke up with me (22F) due to several reasons, and now we are good friends. But the problem is that I still love him. My boyfriend (22M) broke up with me (22F) due to several reasons, and now we are good friends. But the problem is that I still love him. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 03, 2022 Rating: 5

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