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My (20f) Ex (28M) slept with the girl he told me not to worry about and then he wants me back

So let me just summarize this by saying that my ex had no boundaries with girls, I don’t think he cheated while we were together but he might have gathered girls from online apps as friends or plan b’a or God knows what..

He knew this girl from and app while we were together and as far as I know, she wanted to hang out but I told him it’s making me uncomfortable because she previously told him that she likes him (I believed she might make a move, which would have made me uncomfortable)

So I told him that it would make me uncomfortable that he would go with her alone so as far as I know they didn’t go out..

Fast forward we broke up because he treated me like shit, he used to yell at me, call me dumb, call my parents names, hang the phone in my face, belittle me and my feelings and tell me that all of his activities are his priority and that I come last and that my mental illness makes him doubt if we can make it..

He kept telling me that it’s unrealistic that I expect him not to yell at me and let all of his anger out. He told me that anger and yelling are normal in a relationship.. I didn’t agree.

I broke up with him after he told me “this is who I am and if you don’t like it, leave”

So I left. Yay me.

My life has been 100% better, I am healthier, I have no intrusive thoughts, I can eat after being underweight throughout the whole relationship, I hang out, study, laugh and live while I couldn’t do any of that for a year..

Now he’s crying and begging me for a second chance, he tells me he never loved anyone more and he got an apartment and proposed to me.

He’s doing whatever he can to just get me back. People might feel like yeah this might be an ego boost but I don’t need it. I am fine and he’s pressuring me and I caught feelings again while I was trying to heal..

Whenever I remember anything good about the relationship, I remember nothing but sexual stuff . He was my first and now all I have for him is lust and pity, nothing more.

I’m afraid that I won’t find someone who accepts and loves my body the way he did.. that was the only positive thing about the relationship. Other than that he never understood or supported me, I’m guessing it was because of the age gap..

He lied about sleeping with that girl (after we broke up) he told me not to worry about even tho I have evidence and chats between them and I’m sure he did.

I already know he was on tinder trying to have sex and get nudes just 1 day after the breakup

He denied everything and denied dating in between but I already know he tried getting with every damn female friend he has after we broke up and this is making me uncomfortable because he had them while we were together…

TL;DR: My ex wants me back but I know he’s lying to me about everything he did while we weren’t together. He abused me during the relationship and made me mentally ill but now he promises to change and make it better.

What shall I do? Do you think he can change as he promised? He treats me soo good now

Submitted February 05, 2022 at 06:30AM by Ihopeuneverfindme
My (20f) Ex (28M) slept with the girl he told me not to worry about and then he wants me back My (20f) Ex (28M) slept with the girl he told me not to worry about and then he wants me back Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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