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My girlfriend doesn’t have a job and has almost maxed out her credit card

tl;dr my girlfriend doesn’t have any income and has some credit card debt. Should I pay it?

We’re both mid 20’s. My girlfriend is currently a student in undergrad, but she’s only taking one course this semester and is considering dropping out. I want to marry her and we’ve talked about what we want for the future (we both want kids and she wants to be a stay at home mom which I support).

For now our finances are completely separate. We live together but I pay for everything (groceries, rent, etc.) since she doesn’t have any income. She does have a credit card with a low limit ($1k) that she likes to use for personal purchases she makes (online orders, she’ll get Starbucks by herself sometimes, etc.)

Recently I noticed she was pretty close to her credit limit. I know she doesn’t have a way to pay it, so I asked about it. She got cagey and seemed hesitant to talk about it. I asked if I could pay for it, which she deflected. Later she explained while it would be nice to have it paid, she doesn’t feel entirely right having me pay it.

I’m very frugal, probably to a fault. I splurge on things that matter to me (nice car, upscale apartment) but cut back heavily on the things that don’t matter to me. Basically it wouldn’t be a big hit for me to pay it off. She considers herself frugal, but I feel like she spends a lot (daily Starbucks, high end clothes). I’ve always been of the mindset that it’s her money, she can do what she wants. But now getting better insight into her financial situation, I’m a bit concerned since with 0 income, any spending will continue to push her into debt.

What do I do? Do I start paying for her debt and personal purchases? I don’t want her debt to keep piling up since right now she just lets it accrue interest at like 25%.

Submitted February 07, 2021 at 07:15PM by throwaway1349082394
My girlfriend doesn’t have a job and has almost maxed out her credit card My girlfriend doesn’t have a job and has almost maxed out her credit card Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 08, 2021 Rating: 5

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